Monday, May 31, 2021


"The song that is competing with Bangtan for Billboard #1"

Is she really promoting like that?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  This is just dumbfounding. It's my first time seeing an international pop star do something like that

post response:
original post: here

1. [+220, -13]
If you show the proof that you're streaming this singer's song, they'll give you ice cream coupons and car wash coupons... If you look at the tweet, she even gives necklaces away.. Anyways.. That's how far she's promoting? 

2. [+216, -9]
This kid is being promoted as a monster rookie and she's receiving a huge support from her native country, on the other side, if you look at Bangtan's Spotify, half of their songs are being filtered out... This is just a frustrating situation. The I-lovelies are having a hard time too and they're fighting a lonely fight that'll never end. Still, even if they're promoting that song so much, we'll use our own mean to mass stream the song... This is so annoying 

3. [+175, -6]
The way we discovered it was someone who posted a tweet translating someone else's tweet, the other person was her fan + Bangtan fans were trying to deflect it saying that it was made up... So the person told the hater to stop replying with every tweet and that it's not that deepㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 

4. [+66, -6]
F*cking annoying. Whether she wants to promote it or not, why link our kids' name in it f*ck

5. [+50, -0]
This was not released on Olivia Rodrigo's official account. It's the same thing as our country's 1theK promotions. The competition between Olivia Rodrigo and Bangtan for the Billboard ranking is so fierce this time that it became a hot issue so I think it's her Korean team who is promoting for her..? 

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