T/n: this is arguably becoming the biggest case in Korea, following the Han river incident right now

"Buried under 300kg of iron steel plate, The death of a 23 y'o part-timer who didn't even receive a funeral"
[Invisible death, a business disaster] On the 22nd of last April, while working at a service company in Pyeontaek Port, the death occurred.
Bereaved family "He never received his safety equipment, why does it have to report it to his supervisor before calling the 119?"
Demanding the truth to be told, putting off the funeral...Civic groups requesting to "please prevent this from happening again"
T/n: The family was also unable to hold a funeral for 2 weeks because the investigation was delayed
He was buried under 300kg of iron steel place
Meanwhile, nobody is giving this case any attention
post response:
original post: here
1. [+875, -76]
Are we still living in 1988? Every 2 days, we're getting news of women being victims of crimes in the news, and do we still bury someone down with steel iron place like they used to do back in the old days?.. The death of a hardworking person will always be buried, to be honest, there are no laws for hardworking people..
2. [+642, -40]
The same people who hate the elite are the same people who will worship the elite, this is the truth about our country
3. [+556, -2]
Ah.. Is that the father on the picture?ㅠㅠ My heart f*cking hurts
4. [+408, -24]
I have so much to say
"They have to absolutely spell out ME.DI.CAL. STU.DENT. regarding that rich kid who died while drinking and hanging out with his friend, and we get to see news about this case everyday, he gets to receive a Blue House petition. Yet for the kid who is struggling to make a living and working his as* off and who died in such a unjustified and unfair way is barely in the front page of the newspaper. As a society, isn't it an issue that we're giving different weights in terms of attention to someone's death? Yet all the trash journalists only gathers in newspaper that won't cover these kinds of cases. Lee Sunho goon, rest in peace. "
5. [+322, -0]
After the accident, he was supposed to call 119 right away, but he was told that he had to report it to the supervisor first, and was left in this state, neglected for 1 hour. The father wasn't even made aware that his son was caught in an accident until he arrived at the scene, looked around, and found his son's dead body. When he found out, he fainted.


At 4:10 pm on the 22nd of last month, Lee Sunho who was cleaning a foreign matter at the bottom of the container, as requested by the service company's instructions at Pyeongtaek Port, was laid on the rear wing of an open container (FRC) weighing about 300 kg. Lee was transferred to a nearby hospital, but died.
After being discharged from the military, Lee, a 3rd year student at the university, worked part-time at a service company from Pyeongtaek port, loading and unloading containers, in order to earn a little tuition and living expenses.
The bereaved family postponed the funeral, demanding that the truth be investigated, saying that the death of Lee was "not due to an unavoidable accident, but a tragedy that could have been prevented in advance such as neglect of safety management." They said, "It was the first time Lee was doing the job, but there were no safety managers and signalers at the site, and the safety equipment was not provided," he said. It is a typical industrial accident that can occur due to lack of safety management. Some point out that the possibility of an accident due to structural failure was raised, and whether the initial response plan was also lacking.
Lee's father, who appeared at a press conference, said, “My child was dying from being unable to breath under those heavy iron plates, the managers at the site prioritized reporting to the upper line superior rather than calling 119 rescue right away.” “I will not send my son off like this. I will fight this evil group until the end until the cause of the accident is identified and the person in charge is punished". The industrial accident death accident countermeasures committee for Lee Sunho goon said “Why are we unable to prevent the death of the flower-like youth?” “More people have died from being driven to non-regular jobs under the logic of cost-cutting, and outsourcing risks than from COVID”
1. [+6,546, -192]
This is quite bitter~~ We're getting articles about that medical student everyday but nothing about this case~~
2. [+1,839, -10]
What a shame to die at this age... Rest in peace..
3. [+1,394, -59]
They have to absolutely spell out ME.DI.CAL. STU.DENT. regarding that rich kid who died while drinking and hanging out with his friend, and we get to see news about this case everyday, he gets to receive a Blue House petition. Yet for the kid who is struggling to make a living and working his as* off and who died in such a unjustified and unfair way is barely in the front page of the newspaper. As a society, isn't it an issue that we're giving different weights in terms of attention to someone's death? Yet all the trash journalists only gathers in newspaper that won't cover these kinds of cases. Lee Sunho goon, rest in peace.
4. [+933, -20]
As the relevant laws have shifted more and more towards a focus on punishment rather than improvements against safety accidents, only punishment will be heavier in the future, but the site's safety measures themselves will not change significantly. Workers as well as employers should know how to speak up about safety in the field.
5. [+865, -6]
My heart hurts so much... Rest in peaceㅠ