If you look at his mouth shape, it's being twisted in all random directions. And there's also something that happened to his chin

Is that the same Golden Child Bomin that we know?..

His nose became considerably longer

And his nose bridge also got so high that his eyes are being pulled in

<Bomin before>

<Bomin recently>

It looks like he made his mouth more like a cat

His chin also changed
Bomin-ah come back
post response:
original post: here
1. [+1,014, -21]
His agency must be crazy...
2. [+696, -7]
3. [+631, -7]
?????? I'm another group's fan and I've always found his handsome. Why did he touch his face?
4. [+419, -5]
They're even making such a soft kid into some water polished figure.... Woollim is crazy...
5. [+417, -10]
His original face already had a nose job so this might be the side effects coming in after he retouched his nose. If he's been injured in the process, this is inevitable. If he had a face like that in the first place, he should've never touched it
6. [+362, -6]
Son Naeun's deja vu feeling
7. [+243, -4]
He was so refreshing to look like and now he aged 10 years in one instant