T/N: Knets add 'god' in front of anything they want to describe as the "best". I.e. god-visual, god-Yoona, god-chicken, etc.
Let's start!
Starting from me, I think that the most important thing is to sleep early and wake up early. That's the only way to get things done!!
original post: here
1. [+143, -1]
Quit going on Pann
2. [+91, -7]
I feel like this will get a lot of downvotes but if you want to live a god-life in the future, I feel like there's no other way than study hard and give your best in everything...
3. [+78, 0]
Stop going on FB or Instagram. Your mentality will mind clear up
4. [+53, 0]
You need to have a high self-esteem to live the god-life. It's all about your self-esteem
5. [+29, -5]
As a hard working INFJ who is periodically depressed, 1. stop using SNS, this one showed the most effective results 2. Meditate after waking up in the morning (standing up!!) 3. If you wake up early in the morning, eat for 80% (of your hunger?) 4. Make sure you do yoga, stretching and exercise. This will be the shortcut to your god-life (I swim and for stretching, I highly recommend Dano TV. You can do everything in 10-20min) 5. Don't eat your food cravings (it's good for your health) 6. Drink green tea instead of coffee (when it comes to the amount of caffeine, they are about the same but coffee ruins your stomach while green tea cleans your insides) 7. Work
6. [+27, 0]
I decided to start living my god-life starting tomorrow so the timing of this post is formidable
7. [+26, -1]
Never compare myself to other people. It is comparing my behind the scenes to their highlight reel - this quote from Taylor Swift is engraved in my heart