Monday, June 7, 2021


Mitsuoka said that he never had a girlfriend in his life
Mitsuoka wanted to grab the opportunity to find love by changing his freaky appearance.. 

By Keeping the same old eccentric jeans

With a haircut + eyebrows trim, we will show you just how much we can change someone

I gave a new charming and manly/mature look to a 35 y'o otaku living in Akihabara who never had a girlfriend. I believe that Mitsuoka ssi took a big challenge on that day. It's a good thing that he let [me] change him even if it was just for a little. Thank you for letting me help you. (t/n: the post was translated from Japanese to Korean, so corrected inconsistencies)

original post: here

1. Whether you find him ugly or handsome, one thing for sure, his image became way more cheerful 

2. What's up with those sideburns in the before picture?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. Wow he became a new person;; 

4. He cleanly changed 

5. Wow the last picture reminds me of Kwak Yoongi. He looks stronger and a lot cleaner~~! 

6. This is way way way better

7. As expected self-management is important 

8. He looks like he had no aspiration in life but this completely changed him 

9. Oh he became so cool. He has that adult charms to him ㅋㅋㅋ

10. Lee Donghee?

11. He looks like Lee Dongheeㅋㅋㅋㅋ

12. As expected, men are all about hair and eyebrows

13. Let us see his new clothes too.. 

14. He looks Taiwanese after..

15. The glasses was a big part of it... 

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