Wednesday, September 22, 2021


After seeing NCT 127's comeback show, I felt that Taeyong really made a deep impression
First of all, Taeyong tried being the MC and people said that he was as good as a professional MC 
He also choreographed the entire choreography to Bring The Noize and I was shocked
I was even more shocked because watching the video, I found the choreography so good
I don't think there's any apparent difference between his level of choreography and professional choreographers, and the way Taeyong directed the camera work was also good 
The members also choreographed all the member's individual parts, since he knew what each member's specialty was, he said it was easier for them to practice the dance

Video of choreography that Taeyong made: 

-This choreography was made bby grinding up(?) Taeyong's feet
What I think is the focus of the choreography is that 

- The members could do those moves really well 

Johnny: As he thought of us while choreographing, I think we were able to learn it faster

And a producer of SBS MTV to give his advice for stages to Taeyong and he said that Taeyong's comments were like a professional's 
<Taeyong> First of all, the performance is centered on the group, so it's important that the stage set is good. Secondly, the camera work is also important, for example, using Gimbal cameras on parts where the face is focused and using the broadcast cameras on other parts, so that we can focus on every part's detail to give a quality stage

Taeyong is good at freestyling, but it's my first time learning that he can also choreograph
And the NCT 127 comeback show was so fun that time just flew

- And that I can connect our members in this kind of way

Anyways, he's been diligently using his Sound Cloud to compose songs and released them for free
Even when he's busy, he's making choreos and releasing freestyle videos
He also composes and writes lyrics himself 
He's always communicating with the fans and he's doing his best as an idol, so I decide to support him 
He also said that he spent over 3 years to gain the recognition in his company, he seems like a hard worker. 
He's handsome and I'm proud that he's always using words and actions to try to become the perfect idol ^^ 

post response:
original post: here

1. [+233, -3]
The antis are claiming he gained weight and sexually harassing him by using this gif from Inkigayo  

2. [+206, -2]
Lee Taeyong's foot injury 

3. [+180, -6]
The hands of a hardworking idol 

4. [+82, -0]
Because they removed the medley part, he gave Haechan and Yuta solo parts in the intro What a leader

5. [+78, -0]
Taeyong-ah, we support youㅠㅜ I hope your foot recovers soon

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