Tuesday, November 30, 2021



- It's very racist. The old KPOP songs they would say the N word
- I had an argument about this with my dongsaeng. They said that 'nigga' means something else in Korean
- Yeah I heard that too but I don't care because Koreans must've looked at US's culture and they must know what that f*cking word means
- Well even if n* means "you" in Korean, it doesn't make it sound any better

"Do KPOP singers use 'Niga' in their lyrics the proper way? I know that "niga" is a Korean word, but it feels like they're bashing black people"

"Must English speakers use "was" in their lyrics? I know that it's an English word, but in Somalia, it's a very harsh swear, I'm uncomfortable hearing it"
"Do English speakers use "go in their lyrics the right way? Can't they use another word? In Kurdish, it sounds very similar to "to sh*t", it kinda feels like English speakers are saying "Let's sh*t before it's too late!" which is quite unpleasant"
"Do English speakers use "beat" the right way? Please change it to "tempo" or "rhythm" instead. It sounds like "d*ck" in French, and it sounds unpleasant"
"English speakers need to stop using the word "payday" ASAP. I know it's an English word, but in Portuguese, it's the same thing as "fart", I don't like hearing "I'll far tomorrow"
"I hope English speakers stop using the word "cut". In Netherlands, it means p*ssy. I don't like it"
"Must English speakers use the word "hug"? I know "hug" is an English word, but in Hindu, it means "sh*t", so we hear "sh*t me once!" I don't like it"
"English speakers need to stop using "cool" and say "nice" instead. I know that it's an English word but in Portuguese, it means "butt" I don't like it"

post response:
original post: here

1. [+270, -2]
If you look at it, it feels like black people do things and use race as a shield?... Even when they're saying b*llsh*t, they'll say "BS? you're only saying that because I'm black, are you racist?". I feel like black people are especially sensitive towards Asians. I know that they get discriminated against by white people, but they're picking at Asians instead because they're the easy target and calling us racists. I feel like I've bene more victim of racism from black people than white people when I went to Europe

2. [+184, -1]
ㅋㅋㅋ Who are they to tell people in other countries to not talk their own language?

3. [+142, -6]
Black people are a bit weird

4. [+58, -0]
Aren't they racist for acting like that? They're telling us to speak English and disregarding Korean no?ㅋㅋ  Seriously ignorant.. 

5. [+39, -0]
They're telling white people to stop being racists, meanwhile they're belittling Asians at the same time..ㅋㅋ

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