today, the girls in our class gathered together and were chatting among themselves. there was a girl from another class who came in and asked if XX was there or not.
the kids from our class looked closed to that girl and A said "she's not there~!!" and the other girl went "ah ok!" and just left afterwards
but what's really scary were the things they said after she left. they were even talking to her with a smile on their face. I have goosebumps thinking about it;
A that girl really has no luck?
B seriously, she's retardedㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
A she's dating that pathetic guyㅋㅋ
B ㄲㅋㅋㅋ she's hanging out with those retarded looking people too right
A ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋyeahㅋㄱㅋㅋㅋ
wow, I was so taken aback, A and B are talking to me with a smile on their face too, but are they bashing me like that on my back too?
I'm really scaredㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
post response:
original post:
- ㄷ 2015.03.07 00:04
- those kind of kids talk behind each others' backs too, it's just a vicious circle
- 1601
- 얍얍 2015.03.06 19:17
- I went through the same thing for 3 months, and it got worse, but there's not solution to it, that's the sad truth ㅠ
- 1601
- ㅇㅇ 2015.03.07 00:17
- in front of me, they talk behind others' back and tell me they won't do it to me. but I got into a fight with them at some day, and they were talking in my back but they became all nice again when they are in front of me
- 1371
- 왜 2015.03.07 02:35
- do you wanna know what's scarier? that the girls in the best replies all say they won't do it, but in real life, they are gonna talk behind others' backs too. and the girls that they are talking about will just think, yeah right, all girls are like that anyways. those kind of person will always be there.
- 562
- ㅇㅇ 2015.03.07 00:32
- girls really put on a mask in front of each other, they pretend to like or dislike something,pretend to be nice, or pretend to be worried for each other so well
- 480
- ㅇㅇ 2015.03.07 00:07
- don't trust your friends so easily, if you trust them, you're gonna hit a wall once you learn that they've been talking behind your back. I really can't describe that kind of feeling. if you wanna be friends with someone, get to know them for 1~2 years and after, you'll know if you can really trust them or not.