he's just overall so sexy
OMG.... so sexyy...........................
on a side note, look at his leg length..... thought he was a model.....
if we talk about sexy people, it's gotta be Kai
who can look so sexy with this kind of expression...
he became so much handsomer and sexier?
he has a hot body so anything he wears look good on him
but when he wears all white, he's love
someone call the doctor...............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
his skin tone is dark which makes him even sexier
where's the end to his sexiness? I'm really curious
if he's on stage, his sexiness can't help but explode
post response:
original post: http://pann.nate.com/talk/326642415
- 남자 2015.04.04 10:02
- I'm a guy. Exo Kai isn't your typical idol...seriously...his dance lines..impressive
- 18918
- ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 2015.04.04 09:48
- I'm freaking glad that he's born in this generation
- 1668
- ㅋ 2015.04.04 09:52
- when he dances, it looks like his body is gonna break at every movement, so I hope that people can realize that he puts in so much effort when practicing with all his blood, tears and sweat. he's not the one who would only dance well once in a while. because of his fans, he endures all the tiredness and pain in order to give us a good performance. nowadays, even his singing has improved a bit, please view Jong-in positively!
- 1548
- ㅇㅇ 2015.04.04 10:11
- every time Kai dances, he dances to the point that his body would break. because of that, he has some issues with his waist. when I saw that, I thought that it must be really serious.he's legs were shaking and since his waist condition is bad, his hands and legs were both shaking. in this gif, his wrist was shaking so badㅠㅠ I wanna see you for a long time Kai
- 533
- ㅇㅇ 2015.04.04 09:56
- ah each time I see this, my heart flutters..Jong-in who smiled at the sight of his fansㅠㅜㅜㅠ
- 511
- ㅇㅇ 2015.04.04 10:23
- the change between being on and off stage...
- 470
- ㅇㄹㅇㄹㅇ 2015.04.04 11:48
- I'm not an Exo fan but I'm seriously surprised by Kai's dancing. his dance line is so pretty, seeing him in real is no joke. his body really becomes one with the music.
- 410