post response:
original post:
- ㅁ 2015.04.05 21:10
- I'm a Incle and I find that BBCs and EXO-Ls are really kind, even though our Winner are still rookies, they're looking after them♡I wish to be closer with BBCs because of Mino oppa, and EXO-Ls because we liked EXO's interactions with our Taehyun oppa and Seungyoon oppa.. I hope we become closer ♡
- 11414
- ㅂㅂㅆ 2015.04.05 21:09
- I'm an Army! I liked the collaboration stage between BlockB and BTS during MAMA this time, if you leave the members alone, it looks like they're having fun togetherㅎㅎ
- 9217
- 핑팬 2015.04.05 21:01
- wow..I like these kinds of postㅎㅎ you must be a BlockB fan right??ㅎㅎ Personally,, I don't mind anyone, I wanna be close with all the fandoms. I like BlockB's fandom too! I even wanna be closer with Daisies whom we had a fight with!! I know there are a lot of nice people among Daisies and there are a lot of b*ches too, but because of these bad fans, we're always fighting, I wanna be friendly more♥there are a lot of people saying bad stuff like "pinkroaches" to our fandom tooㅠㅠI know we have a lot of ass*les in our fandom too, but don't hate us too much♥
- 8014
- 민윤기름 2015.04.05 22:02
- I know that EXO are getting bashed a lot because of their fandoms but the fans are really loving, Inspirits and Infinite are really funny, for BBCs, BlockB are good at collaboration stage and they're fun with everyone, Incles are really kind, Babys and BAP are good at singingㅠ I hope they win the lawsuit. As a Melody, I support Yook Sungjae and Kim Taehyun
- 572
- 소엘 2015.04.05 21:05
- I'm a EXO-L but BBCs and Incles really give a good vibe♡ they helped saying that EXO are getting bashed for nothing and shield them..ㅠㅠ seriously I'm thankful
- 497
- ㅇ 2015.04.05 21:02
- I'm a baby, I find that BBCs are somewhat really cool, and we've all experienced similar situations, their fandom is really supportive..really thankful.
- 442
- (T/n: BBCs are supporting BAP's lawsuit!)
- ㅇㅇ 2015.04.05 23:10
- I'm an EXO-L, I wanna be close to all the fandoms..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ let's not harm each other
- 331