it's been almost 9 years since I've dated someone...
I feel kinda alone nowadays, so I had many thoughts crossing my head...
"am I not charming?... am I ugly?..." those kind of thoughts..
I have no female friends around me and my friends are not of much help ;;
I found that people on Nate are pretty straightforward so I picked up my courage and
I am asking for some critics
please be honest ^^
I'll be thankful even if you swear!
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇ 2015.10.14 01:30
- you're not ugly. it's just that overall, you look a bit like an ahjussi... you're not ugly, more of the cute type.
- 2924
- ㅇㅇ 2015.10.14 01:26
- you look warm. you're the style that goes well with corporate advertisements
- 2444
- ㅇ3 2015.10.14 02:14
- you're not ugly but you kinda look like an ahjussi ㅜ nowadays there are so many guys in their 30's who know how to take care of their appearance.. so you kinda look older than your age... ㅜ you're not the type of face that I would date.. sorry ㅜ
- 20818
- ㅇㅇ 2015.10.14 00:24
- you have good personalityㅋㅋㅋ it's not that you're handsome or ugly, if I had to nitpick, I'd say that you are pretty cute.
- 631
- ㅇ 2015.10.14 02:44
- rather than being ugly, the problem is more your style. maybe try to change your hair, clothes and lose weight. you will soon see the differenceㅎㅎ
- 590
- 뭐지 2015.10.14 00:51
- what are the comments below saying..ㅋㅋㅋthis kind of face is average...there are lots of people who look uglier than that.. if you lose weight you will easily be above average..?
- 4712
update: the OP said that he read the comments, he's thankful and will lose weight and keep everyone updated ^^