Himchan, Daehyun or Youngjae
who do you think should be the visual?
truthfully, I'm not sure since they are all good looking
here are the rest of the members
post response:
original post: here
- ㅎ 2015.12.22 03:05
- the original visual was Himchan but nowadays, muggles have discovered Youngjae.. and Daehyun is the typical handsome.. in conclusion, you can't choose..
- 1161
- ㅇㅇ 2015.12.22 20:01
- I'm from another fandom but there are no visual holes in BAP. at first, when I saw Daehyun, I was so surprised that a guy with those visuals could sing so well
- 1022
- ㅇ 2015.12.22 03:48
- I'm from another fandom but I find Zelo really handsome, and Himchan also got much handsomer for this comeback..?
- 902
- ㅇㅁ 2015.12.22 21:41
- I'm from another fandom but Bang Yongguk gives me the perfect boyfriend feel? as for Himchan, he gives me the vampire/cold guy vibe. Daehyun is just universally handsome? they are all handsome. Youngjae has big eyes and a high nose and he's cutely handsome? Jongup doesn't give the WOW SO HANDSOME vibes but he looks really charming and his nose is especially handsome. Zelo was such a baby back then but now that he became such a man which makes him look more handsome. do well BAP!
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