Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Image result for cha eunwoo
(pic not included)

He appeared out of nowhere with his crazy visuals and body,
He straight up performed an all-kill against all idols in the 4th generation
but not only that, he also used to be the president of his entire school and he's freaking good at studying, goosebumps

post response:
original post: here

ㅇㅇ |2017.11.21 00:36 신고하기
And he's even kinder and more innocent than you'd expect...I'm another group's fan and I went on Youtube to see who he was and he was shooting a self-cam? He said that back in the days, when him and the members had it hard, they had it hard together and when something nice happened, they enjoyed it together, but all of a sudden, he started promoting alone and it was hard for him to have it hard alone, but even harder for him to enjoy things alone... He said that he felt sorry because it made him look like he was talking all high and mighty of himself and didn't tell the members about it because he didn't want to sound like he's complaining. He even cried because it's been such a long time since he performed with the members during a concert. I had prejudice against him before, but his image is so much different than what I've expected

ㅇㅇ |2017.11.20 21:12 신고하기
I'm another group's fan and I acknowledge Cha Eunwoo. It's a shame that he's where he is at now, he would've been so much more famous if he was in a top group

ㅇㅇ |2017.11.21 02:51 신고하기
If only he had debuted in a bigger agency, he would've survived through the whole 4th generation and would still be alive in the end. His agency and group is a bit of a shame

ㅇㅇ |2017.11.20 20:58 신고하기
Cha Eunwoo is even good at singing and dancing, I've heard people call him the millennium-dol

ㅇㅇ |2017.11.20 21:21 신고하기
He doesn't even have those visuals that men dislike either? When he appeared on Problematic men, he made so many people's hearts flutter and he drove everyone crazy. The guys were all laughing with him and finding him pretty, anyways, he's just very likeable

ㅇㅇ |2017.11.21 07:55 신고하기
He's seriously such a good student and studies well, I attend to the school he went and all the teachers like himㅋㅋㅋㅋHe was supposed to be attending a foreign language school, but his company came to grab him

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