Monday, November 27, 2017


My hobby is to cover other idols' dances!
So I would watch lots of fancams, and except my bias, I would watch those 3 teams' fancams the most. I think that of all fancams I've watched, those 3 teams really have something unique? About their choreography, so I'll recommend you to watch their members fancams!! Since it's subjective, please don't hate on me
Image result for kai dance gif
(pic not included)

1. EXO
I really think that their choreography portray their songs' concepts really well. For people who know how to dance, you would know that they have feelings when dancing right? I feel like their moves are really demanding, they require a lot of concentration to pull off those moves! Their choreography aren't that difficult, but because they have to channel a certain vibe/feeling, and have to create a certain aura, the choreography become so much fancier...

Fancam Kai
You guys must watch Kai's fancams, he seriously hits every move on the beat and his movements are so strong. His dance lines also really stand out from the lot. Personally, I really like Kai's expressions too.. 

Related image
2. Bangtan
I wonder if Bangtan's skills are embedded in their choreography...? How can they fit so many movements in only one beat? Usually, idols would fit 3 moves in one time of 4 but Bangtan would fit 7 moves in one time of 4, on top of that their choreography are hard and complex..
They especially use their legs a lot and just looking at them, you realize that their dances are hard. If you can pull off their dances, you are automatically a good dancer..

Fancam → J-Hope
Seriously, when I think of BTS fancams, I think of J-Hope. How can he pull off all those hard moves and still look so delicate? My mouth literally just drops when I see him dance

Image result for hoshi gif dance
3. Seventeen
Seventeen really uses their whole body when they make their choreography. They stretch all their limbs and they jump a lot, etc. they are just really dynamic! They have lots of members, but they're super synchronized. Seventeen really dance right on the beat, it really shows that they practice a lot. They jump so much that when you watch their stage, you just get so excited.. ㅋㅋ
Seventeen's energy is the best

fancam  Hoshi
Seventeen's Hoshi's fancams are good. He's the one who makes the choreography so it must be why. He really knows how each moves are supposed to feel like. His bones really look like they're always about to break but he looks so refreshing.

EXO - A lot of control and force
Bangtan - Very delicate and complex
Seventeen - Big moves and lots of stretches

post response:
original post: here

ㅇㅇ |2017.11.27 00:22 신고하기
Oh I'm a carat and I agree ㅇㅇ EXO really have lots of emotions in their dances and Bangtan's dances are so sharp ㅋㅋㅋ Hoshi really likes big movements ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Even though the rest of the members have a hard time with him ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Hoshi once said "This move looks better that way. But I wanted to make it look like way, but it was hard to put it together. But what to do nowㅋㅋ I've already made itㅋㅋ"

ㅇㅇ |2017.11.27 00:12 신고하기
EXO are good at controlling their moves, so it kinda gives the lay-back? vibe. Bangtan's dances really portray each dance they have really well... Seventeen really doesn't have any wholes when it comes to dancing. They dance until their bones break. It's true that all they all have different vibes 

ㅇㅇ |2017.11.27 02:02 신고하기
Hobie is not the main dancer and dance team lead for nothing.. J-Hope did such a good job being the center for Mic drop this time ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

ㅇㅇ |2017.11.27 14:40 신고하기
I personally wish those 3 to have a collab stage at the end of the year

ㅇㅇ |2017.11.27 10:12 신고하기
Seriously Kai, J-hope and Hoshi's dance lines are so pretty ㅠㅠ The other members all dance well, but those 3 are the top3 

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