[enter-talk] WHAT HAPPENS WHEN PARK JIHOON GETS RID OF HIS BANGS;; Posted on December 29, 2017 Those are reporter's pictures, but is his face even real There's no editing at all, but he still managed to look like this And he also lost weight, he's seriously f*cking handsome His image gap is amazing post response: [+625][-43] original post: here ㅇㅇ |2017.12.29 19:05 신고하기 Park Jihoon's hair back is seriously crazy, his T zone is f*cking handsome, I knew he was handsome but not to that extent 이미지확대보기 추천162 반대3 ㅇㅇ |2017.12.29 19:06 신고하기 F*cking handsome 이미지확대보기 추천151 반대2 ㅇㅇ |2017.12.29 19:07 신고하기 Crazy crazy crazy crazy I'm telling you Park Jihoon is crazy!!!!!!! 이미지확대보기 추천138 반대3 ㅇㅇ |2017.12.29 19:15 신고하기 Wow F*ck Park Jihoon is seriously handsome 이미지확대보기 추천45 반대1 ㅇㅇ |2017.12.29 19:12 신고하기 What hairstyle does not suit him? 이미지확대보기 추천40 반대1 Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to Facebook