There are precisely 3 kinds of idols fans that can be categorized

in blue: ultimate bias
1. Ultimate bias on top type
The "I like all of my little bast*rds, but without you, my ultimate bias, I will dieㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ" type

in orange: ultimate bias, in pink: sub-biases/2nd biases
2. Love pyramid type
There is a subtle and delicate, but clear distinction between your ultimate bias and your sub-biases in your heart, there's a specific pattern ex: 1 ultimate bias and 2 subs or 2 ultimate bias and 3 subs

3. Philanthropic type
The "Ultimate bias? What's that? My little bast*rds are all the same to me, I love you all ojujujuju" type
Of course those 3 types doesn't exclude the fact that as a fan, you still like every member of your bias group very much
post response: +2
original post: here
1. I used to be a #2 but somehow, I turned into a #3 nowㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2. I think that people often walk the #1-#2-#3 route... I love all of you Seventeenㅜㅠ
3. I used to be a #1, but since my ultimate bias quit the group, I've migrated to become a #2, but my goal is to reach #3....
4. I've always been a #2, but I really want to become a #1...
5. Even though I'm definitely a #1111111, I still can't think of the group without one less member! No!
6. #111111, but the happiness of my ultimate bias comes from the sub-bias.....
7. I'm a mix between #2 and #1, I have my ultimate bias on top, but after that, it's a pyramid
8. I'm #3, I've joined the fandom by being a #1 but now I find each and every one of them so pretty, what to do?
9. I'm #222, I've joined the fandom through my ultimate bias and it's already been 3~4 years I'm into this group but my ultimate bias still hasn't changed. But I really adore all of the members, I've talked to some fans who are close to me and none of them seem very shocked, they all think that my case is very commonㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
10. #33333, if you decide to fangirl on Seventeen, this is a reality you can't escape, I'm so happy