It's Up10tion's Wooshin
There are still a few people calling him a molester in different communities and on Twitter, and I hope this clarifies the misunderstanding
1. Wooshin was an MC with a girl group member for The show, they released a video during The show festival and people started calling him out for sexually molesting her
2. Right after the controversy broke out, Wooshin and the female idol's agency released an official feedback


(basically both denying it)
3. But although the feeback were out, people still didn't believe him and continued to write hate comments toward him.

- so when are you apologizing?
- okay, apologize
- he never apologized, and pretends to be a fool on broadcast, me too I need to bring this up at least once
He was also reading his own hate comments on Vapp when sitting down

"I watched Wooshin's video with Somi and I don't pity him at all"
"He f*cking looked like a righteous person, but this is the second time.. ; "
"Me too"
4. He kept receiving hate comments, so Wooshin's company requested to condutct an image spectrometry (t/n: some kind of image analysis) of the video. The analysis concluded that there was no molestation

5. But even so the hate comments never ceased. So they had to quickly start suing the hate comments. And ever since, they decided to suspend all activities of Wooshin from last year.

(t/n: they said that he had to stop promoting due to health problems)
In the end, I just want to tell you that Up10tion's Wooshin never molested her.
So please stop misunderstanding

After the controversy broke, they had a fansign and when they mentioned the molestation controversy, he started crying

On the same day, that's what Wooshin said during his commentary time:
(...) I wanna thank everyone who made me realize how grateful I am and who made me into a happy person.
Right now, the normal me and the me that's promoting aren't really the same. I think that everyone is aware of it right.
That's why I want to return to myself as soon as possible, so I will work harder.
Should I recommend you a song that I've been listening to lately?
Do you know the song "Breathe"?
Yeah that's Lee Hi sunbae nim's song.
Recently we saw Jonghyun sunbae nim at Gayo festival.
He's the one who composed the song right.
There's something I really want to say.
I'm not someone who really talks to other celebrities, but he was able to make such a song and I wanted to talk to him to thank him.
If you looked at the lyrics, there's the bridge part. I relate a lot to that part.
In a time where everything was going well, you guys probably wanted to hear good things.
So I apologize for the news you've heard.
I don't know when it will happen, but I really want to return to myself faster.
post response: +31
original post: here
1. I seriously feel so bitter reading this.... The fans were seriously all worrying about the company not treating their artists right, but it's a relief that TOP took care of him after thatㅠㅠ
2. How dumb must he be to molest someone in front of a camera....
> That's what I've always thought, no one in the right mind would do something in front of the camera
3. No matter how much we say that this never happened, people will just keep believing what they want..
4. It's upsetting, I hope he recovers fast and comes back, I will support you
5. He looked so sad when he came out as soon as this broke out ... I miss him... It's seriously so upsetting... I hope he rests well and comes back. I would've gone crazy trying to convince everyone of a crime I never committed...
6. This is too frustrating.... To be honest, there's no rational who would do something like this in front of a camera... But those people all jumped on the bandwagon to call him a molester... Just because of the witch hunt, one person had to suffer like this....ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I seriously pity him
7. The majority of those people who jumped on the hate train are Twitter usersㅋㅋㅋ
8. On that day, when they were filming the Vapp, there were so many comments calling him a molester, I got goosebumps seeing them reading those.... To be honest, they officially announced that there was noting, but people still continued to attack him.
9. The people involved said there was nothing, Show champion said there was nothing, the video analysis proved that there was nothing, what will it take for people to believe themㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
10. Clarifications posts like that will never make it... People rather misunderstand