Sunday, March 4, 2018


original post: here

1. The last gif makes me feel disgusted

2. Ah Irene's pictures were shocking enough, did you have to include the last gif?

3. I heard that it's a tactic that the cordis found to make up for her short height, so they gave her a short dressㅠㅠ But the dress is way too short this is upsettingㅠㅠ

4. Way too shortㅠㅠㅠ Even if the dress was long, Irene would've pulled it off with her beauty

5. What was your intention to post the last gif...?

6. The design is quite pretty but does it have to be this short... and what's up with that last gif

7. Why is it this short?... Please stop it with the short clothesㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

8. Looks like they want to make up for her short height by giving her a short dress... Just make her wear pants instead

9. Why does Irene wear such short clothing all the timeㅠㅠ  Please be more aware of this next time

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