1. MEET NCT MEMBERS AT THE PARKING AREA last year i went to NCT Spotify on stage concert, the location is so close to the mini mall, me and my friend walked to the location through the mall (its kinda far from the front/main gate) , then arrived at the back rear parking area, then there are some guards who came out from the door? so I paused and then guess what? the members came out of the door and I see them like super close, there is only me and my friend, taeil is smiling to us and my bias Johnny i cant hold it anymore so i kinda little shout "Johnny Daddy! fighting!" so he was like smile then. me and my friend like froze and so happy like crazy 2. ME AND MY FRIEND GUARD A UNDER AGE GIRLS? when we were lining up the excited mood is still sooo into us, we talked to a few people and then theres a 2 girls turns out is same section as us and then asking "how old you" and i said im 20, and they are be like "wah! please be my guard (people under 18 is must have a guard like older than their age) me and my friend be like??? hm?? so yeah we are now four -_- 3. VROOM VROOM inside the venue we went to the standing area, and me and my friend is kinda tall? so its okay for us to see clearly and the girls who we met earlier is somewhere near us and we standing in kinda front enough? so the people in the back is like pushing so dangerous and the girl in front of me is fainted like right into my arms so i was holding her and the guards took the girl i give him her bag even the "vroom vroom" lightstick but when i give him the lightsick the guards is not taking it and i was like "sir, this is belongs to her" but then i hold the lightsick and the "vroom vroom" hm lol
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