I’m a 28 y.o. man. My girlfriend is 25. I have been working for 3 years and my girlfriend has also been working for 3 years but is currently taking a break from work.
3 years ago, I fell in love with a girl with straight hair, light skin, tall and slender and have been hanging out with her for a year. She found me uncomfortable at first but slowly opened up her heart to me and we’ve been dating since then.
At first, she was the girl of my dreams. She couldn’t be more beautiful and she’s still like that.
But I discovered something as I was dating her. my girlfriend is very easy-going ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
She likes to joke around a lot and rather than having a girl’s personality, her personality is more like that of a male friend?ㅋㅋㅋ
Anyways! She was so pretty at first but right now, I can’t endure her farts anymore.
When we first started dating, she would go to the washrooms a lot of times. She first saying that it was to fix her hair or makeup but later told me that it was because of her farts.
She’s the type to feel gas-y easily so if she holds the farts in, it makes her stomach upset. Of course, I can understand her situation. That’s just something that comes with menstruation.
But nowadays, she just farts around me. We would be walking hand in hand and she would then look around and then let out a fart and laugh.
She would go “ahㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ that was f*cking loudㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ the biggest fart!!!!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ”…
At first, when she let out her fart sound, my girlfriend was so shy that she almost cried but I saw her reaction and said “I’m fine with it~ ay so cute~ it’s fine~” so now, she thinks that I’m really fine with it.
Now, she just farts all the time. She would fart right away as soon as she eats something.
If we go out to eat and come back, she would say “oppa, open the car’s windows” and then let out a big part. To be honest, her farts do smell bad. I just pretend that they don’t. the sound aside, I think that the smell of them are even worse. So I just continue driving while clenching my teeth.
She’s someone who jokes a lot so she would put her hand where the fart comes out and then put it over my nose! I just laugh and tell her to stop but… it makes me wonder if I can do it back to her..
Ah how to say this… ha…ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I know that I sound like an assh*le but …
It kinda turns me off..? It’s like her charms are decreasing as a woman? As if she feels more like a friend now?...
It’s not that she turns me off in a severe way… I’m just bad at expressing myselfㅋㅋㅋ
The reason why I’m writing about this concern is because this week, we went to eat sausage and drink and were on our way back home. My girlfriend has a very nice body. She’s very slender so I’m still feeling all nervous when I go on date with her.
So we were walking on our way back and my girlfriend started to give me some small hints so the two of us ended up going to a hotel instead (T/N: think dirty and you’re on the good direction). So we were doing our business in the flame of our emotion and then my girlfriend suddenly goes *boooooong~~~* and let out a fart.. I was so shocked, I think I stopped moving for 2 seconds.
My girlfriend also got shy in the heat of the moment and was like “ah… sorry… you look shockedㅠ please continue oppa”.
But seriously ㅠ I tried my best but from that moment, I was totally turned off.
As for me, I still haven’t farted in front of my girlfriend yet. We were just so embarrassed. I don’t even fart in front of my close friends.
I want to see her prettily but seeing her acting like that ah… it makes me wonder if she’s going overboardㅋㅋ
She has a frail heart so if I tell her seriously, she might get hurt so I’m not sure how I’m supposed to tell her.
Is there anyone who can give me some advice?
post response:
original post: here
- ㅁㅁ 2018.09.05 15:47
- I’ve been married for 12 years but I wouldn’t have been able to endure my husband doing that… I would’ve been turned off too
- 1301
- ㅇㅇ2018.09.05 15:41
- I’m turned off even as a fellow woman. She has to have some manners for her partner… that girl… geez… no manners and no tact. Her personality looks bad too
- 1251