Sunday, September 9, 2018


original post: here

1. [+724, -158]
Please open your mouth only when the final ruling has gone out, you're treating him as if he's already a criminal, all those Metoo people will start tormenting him

2. [+284. -81]
So he forced a sexual assault on her with great energy (t/n: wordplay with his name)

3. [+91,- 36]
Innocent until proven guilty

4. [+58,- 5]
What's up with the mentality of you can do anything you want when you go on vacation... And it's not like he went there alone together, but with 6 other people

5. [+48, -2]
They didn't go just the 2 of them, it's too soon to call the girl a ggot-baem (t/n: equivalent of gold digger) and it's too early to call him a criminal too since there has been no ruling yet. It's blowing up now, but we need to wait until the answer is released

6. [+16,-0]
Can we keep physical affection only when you're in a couple

7. [+30, -15]
This is the ill social life of Korean men. Don't let them out and don't let them go on the internet either, leave them home to do housework

8. [+11, -0]
If you're a member of a group, you should be even more cautious of your actions. Because of one person, the rest of the members will be put in danger

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