1. Taiwan 2018.12.8~9
Taoyuan International Baseball Stadium
2. Singapore 2019.1.19
Singapore National Stadium
This can host ~55K peoaple
3. Hong Kong 2019.3.20~21, 23~24
Asia World Expo
This was the place where they hosted MAMA..!
4. Bangkok 2019.04.06
Rajamangala National Stadium
This place hosts ~50K people..
post response:
ㅇㅇ | 2018.10.10 23:49 신고하기
Thank you for growing up like this
추천 37
반대 0
ㅇㅇ | 2018.10.10 22:58 신고하기
I'm a fan of another group but I'm proud of them as a fellow Korean
추천 14
반대 0
ㅇㅇ | 2018.10.10 09:52 신고하기
Of course it will be sold out!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
추천 13
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ㅇㅇ | 2018.10.10 23:17 신고하기
I became a fan of them since the I Need U era and bought the Bangtan bomb and I'm so happy when using it nowadaysㅠㅠ I want to earn money fast and go to their tours overseas. My dream is to have go on a concert tourㅠㅡ
추천 5
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ㅇㅇ | 2018.10.10 22:13 신고하기
Hul that drawing on the wall is so pretty..
추천 4
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ㅇㅇ | 2018.10.10 23:54 신고하기
It's so impressive to think that I'm living in the same generation as Bangtan... they are the stars of this universe..
추천 3
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