Sunday, October 14, 2018


Someone pointed a laser on Goo Junhoe's collarbone today. It was during the Super Concert and the fans weren't aware of it but the other fandoms were talking about it. That's how iKonics ended up finding out about it

- Someone pointed a laser to iKON just now right?
- Don't point your laser
- Hul when Go Junhoe? Go Junhee? was doing his ment, someone pointed a laser at him

- I came to Super Concert with my friends and just now iKON-nims were on stage and doing an interview and someone (at the front) pointed a laser. It was pointed at his collarbone and the light was pretty strong so I thought that it was fake at first. But then it happened twice and I'm getting so mad...
- There's a laser terror at the BBQ Super Concert right now. I hope that nobody aims at our kids. It was aiming iKON-nims' collarbone

Those were written by fans of other fandoms.
I'm someone who likes iKON just a little bit but no matter what wrong they did, this is overboard. Isn't it against the law?

post response:
original post: here

ㅇㅇ |2018.10.14 21:27 신고하기
He can go blind if this was aimed at his eyes. Crazy

ㅇㅇ |2018.10.14 22:04 신고하기
Ah, it went on his eye. I'm cursing. Are you human?

ㅇㅇ |2018.10.14 23:35 신고하기
If you watch the fancams, the fans 100% know that it was a laser. I'm not sure about the green lights but the red light was definitely a laser. Those crazy f*ckers. 

ㅇㅇ |2018.10.14 23:46 신고하기
Doing this because of Goo Junhoe's scandalㅋㅋㅋ no matter how much you hate him, this is illegalㅋㅋㅋ there are a few potential criminals even here. I'm getting goosebumps

ㅇㅇ |2018.10.14 22:19 신고하기
Even though they weren't a lot, there were definitely more than 2 people using lasers. This is illegal... I'm pissed 

ㅇㅇ |2018.10.14 21:26 신고하기
Why did nobody at the concert catch them beforehand? I hope that they search the audience's bags a bit more thoroughly. My bias also got shot by lasers and there was even a member who got lasik surgery. If they accidentally hit the eyes, he can go blind. These f*ckers

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