Wednesday, February 20, 2019

[bizarre & horror] 2019'S HOMEBODIES' LEVEL

(Check all that applies to you)
1. The action of going out is a schedule to you
2. When you go out, you have to try doing all your errands
3. When you're ultimately out, it's fun but the process before going out is a pain in the as*
4. When it's Friday night, you think "I should go home"
5. When you're on vacation, you just wear pajamas the whole day
6. Your room always have emergency food supplies
7. You're busy at home so you have no time to go out
8. Your contacts are your mom, your dad, etc. and limit to your family members
9.You can stay in bed for over 12 hours
10. Your companions at home are your phone and your remote control
11. Even if you only had your phone, you won't get bored
12. If your plans get cancelled, you're happy

If you have more than 10 checks: full level of being a homebody
- Everything outside your house is danger, you're at your optimum when you're home
- You're a skilled person who can control everything while laying down
- Even someone who comes see you at your house is a task
- Only your alone time and space is important

If you have 6~9 checks: mid-level of being a homebody
- I really love being at home, being at home is the best!
- Even on vacation, it has to be spent at home! There's enough things to keep you busy at home
- When you have to go out, you try to do everything at once

Ift you have <5 checks: low-level of being a homebody
- You do like to stay home but you feel worn out for staying home after a few days.
- You feel refreshed when you go out to breathe the fresh air even if you're alone.
- Home feels like heaven when your parents are out and your house is empty

post response:
original post: here

ㅇㅇ |2019.02.20 08:47 신고하기
The real homebodies wouldn't do all their errands when they are out. They would want to go back home so much that they will only do things that are urgent and then would go home right away. They would push things back until it becomes an urgency and would only go out then

ㅇㅇ |2019.02.20 20:45 신고하기
Please, don't call me suddenly and ask me to go out and meet you.......

ㅇㅇ |2019.02.20 20:41 신고하기
I don't mind if people cancel plans one day ahead, I'd even be happy. But when they cancel the day of and that I was already fully prepared, I just get pissed off. That's in my top 10 inconsiderate things that people can do to me

ㅇ |2019.02.20 23:46 신고하기
For me, I'm happy that people cancel our plans even if I'm already all prepared, I just want to remove all my makeup fast, change into comfy clothes and lay down again

ㅇㅇ |2019.02.20 20:42 신고하기
Being happy when people cancel plans is for realㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅜㅜ

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