오늘 아이돌 라디오 진행 중 올라온 텐션에 재미있게 마무리를 짓고자 비투비의 정일훈 선배님의 머리를 친 점 정식으로 사과드립니다 죄송합니다. 보시고 마음 아파하셨을 멜로디 분들께도 죄송하다는 말씀드리고 싶습니다. 앞으로는 더욱 더 조심하는 위너 이승훈 되겠습니다..— official_hoony_ (@official_hoony_) May 27, 2019
"Today, in order to end the tension in a funny way, I hit on BTOB's Jung Ilhoon sunbae-nim's head and would like to apologize for it. I apologize to the Melody who watched this and got hurt from it. From now on, I will become a more careful Winner Lee Seunghoon.."
"What the f*ck... It's true you're such a f*ckerㅋㅋ He's such a big senior, but you're going to hit a person like that out of the blue? It's my first time seeing thisㅋㅋ"뭔시발..씹스러운거맞는데용ㅋㅋ n년빠질하면서 갑자기 머리때리는사람 첨보는대요ㅋㅋ pic.twitter.com/dPUXXi7HVz— 골개 (@golgaee) May 27, 2019
original post: here
1. I felt that when he appeared on Radio Star, he lacks filters when he talks
2. By the way, they're not close to each other, that's why his behavior cannot be rationalized
3. Huh? Why would he hit the head of someone you aren't close to?
4. No but why would the guest be the one hitting the DJ's headㅋㅋ
5. His joke went so overboard, why would you hit someone's head like that;;
6. <YG>
7. "YG"
8. YG again??
9. Is he crazy, does he hit people's head that easily?? Would you hit your parents' heads as a joke?ㅋㅋ I don't care whether they're close or not this makes me want to swear f*ck
10. I watched Lee Seunghoon on Radio Star and he seems very greedy to make jokes, it feels like he wants to be funny so bad he goes overboard