Socrates, Jesus, Buddah and Confusius
To be honest, the 2 in the center will cause the biggest fanwar
original post: here
1. Looks like Buddah went through a diet....
2. But Buddah is purposely posing so his proportions look better? Look at him standing at the back to make his face smaller tsk tsk
3. Just from the visuals alone, Buddah is the one top
4. Jesus-nim: hymn master, main vocal
Buddah: Buddhist scriptures' rapper
5. Jesus' fandom has so many extreme fans... their pressure against the other fandoms are no joke. And Buddah's fandom do too many anti behaviours... it's seriously severe..
6. Yah, Buddah is for sure the main rapper and visual. Look at him being the god-physical there ㄷㄷBuddah-handsome <3
7. I'm a muggle and I find Jesus so-so... there are too many business posts about him and too many akgaes in the fandom...
8. Visual - Buddah
Popularity - Jesus
Hungry - Socrates
Chinese' pick - Confusius
9. I'm an all-fan and I like them all so I'm having a hard time when they get hate...
10. It looks like Socrates is dancing to Open Up
To be honest, the 2 in the center will cause the biggest fanwar
original post: here
1. Looks like Buddah went through a diet....
2. But Buddah is purposely posing so his proportions look better? Look at him standing at the back to make his face smaller tsk tsk
3. Just from the visuals alone, Buddah is the one top
4. Jesus-nim: hymn master, main vocal
Buddah: Buddhist scriptures' rapper
5. Jesus' fandom has so many extreme fans... their pressure against the other fandoms are no joke. And Buddah's fandom do too many anti behaviours... it's seriously severe..
6. Yah, Buddah is for sure the main rapper and visual. Look at him being the god-physical there ㄷㄷBuddah-handsome <3
7. I'm a muggle and I find Jesus so-so... there are too many business posts about him and too many akgaes in the fandom...
8. Visual - Buddah
Popularity - Jesus
Hungry - Socrates
Chinese' pick - Confusius
9. I'm an all-fan and I like them all so I'm having a hard time when they get hate...
10. It looks like Socrates is dancing to Open Up