Sunday, October 27, 2019


EXO as a whole really succeeded

If you separate the idols in categories, the tops are all part of the group
Acting = D.O
Dance = Kai
Singing = Chen

post response:
original post: here

1. [+87, -2] 
When is EXO coming back? I really like their unique sound

2. [+81, -2]
F*cking agree, I'm f*cking curious to see what concept they will come out with this time

3. [+77, -4]
They stand out individually and they stand out as a group, they're only getting downplayed because they're from SM

4. [+53, -3]
ChenBaekD are the top in terms of vocals among idols in my opinion so I'm not going to say anything else. First of all, Suho and Xiumin's voice are also amazing, I really hope they also get acknowledged too. They have a different sound to ChenBaekD but there are many people who don't know their skills so I'm sad...

5. [+36, -1]
EXO are so likable.. Did everyone listen to their carol song for winter??ㅠㅠㅠ

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