Monday, October 7, 2019


"The assailant debuted as a celebrity" 
I was going home during our elementary school days, and there was this sunbae who was picking on me and my friends about this and that and kept swearing at us. And now she's debuting as a celebrity and I would hate to see her so much... 
That person and her friends would take other people money and call people in the elementary school... She's not on TV yet, but just thinking that I could see her face at any time drives me crazy. I got such a huge trauma from what happened to us in elementary school... How can I not..? ㅠㅠ"

Goo Seul
group: GSA

Lee Yeoreum: 
The class' iljins are going to beat those kids in their class? Which class was it?
> Is there gonna be enough people?ㅋㅋㅋ

original post:
original post: here

1. [+73, -0]
Hul isn't that the girl who appeared in GSA?

2. [+67, -0]
Isn't that that girl??? She shot a web drama with Lee Sejin

3. [+56, -3]
That group has that Yoo Jisung who smoke and drank since she was a middle schooler too, and her parents were even called in at one pointㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  They're freaking thugs. I wish that Yoon Jisung fails too
 > F*ck I thought you were talking about Wanna Oneㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+36, -0]

5. [+33, -0]
Wow that girl even got admitted to SOPA and debuted in GSA. I used to think they were doing pretty bad for a debut, but knowing her personality is like that I get it


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