"- At that time, Twice had to answer a question saying "if the Twice members were athletes, which event would suit each member the most?"
- The members were looking at the audience to get some answers and the fans said fencing for Jeongyeon, swimming for Tzuyu, rhythmic gymnastic or figure skating for Mina, running for Chaeyoung, etc.
- However, when Jihyo's turn came, one male fan screamed in a loud voice "weightlifting!"
- When Jihyo heard that, she made an awkward expression while pouting. In the end, she turned her chair and there were tears at the corners of her eyes"
People took a malicious screencap of her drinking a cola and called it "bad cola" to make fun of her

"Nice cola Mina vs bad cola Jihyo"
Because of the members' discrimination, the fans who take their pictures at the airport would exclude Jihyo

"People acted rudely towards Jihyo at the airport today ㅡㅡ
Today, Twice was going to China so they went to the airport.
The jjik-deok (T/N: fans who take pictures) were following them with their cameras and because Jihyo was hiding another member, the fan pushed her...
So Jihyo said to him/her "don't run, I'm also from Twice"..
This was everywhere on Twitter, and although it's true, Jihyo was saying this with a smile. She even had a manager next to her and even the manager was laughing. She was treating this upsetting situation in such a friendly way. If that was true, the manager shouldn't have been so nice about it... there are rumors about these jjik-deoks bad behaviors in fansigns too.."
Even so, the male fans are still goign on a witch hunt against her because she said 'oong-aeng-oong'
post response:
original post: here
1. [+301, -23]
The male fans are seriously f*cking weirdㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Everyone just uses oong-aeng-oong but they are making a fuss saying how it's a "anti-men" word.
2. [+277, -15]
Add this too please. When Jihyo goes on V-live alone, they are always bashing her looks or making sexual remarks. But when other members appear, they tell Jihyo to get out like it's no big deal. Jihyo always sees this kind of comments

"Someone said that Jihyo became an ahjumma on V-live recently
- What's with the 'you became an ahjumma'?
- Do I look like an ahjumma?"
3. [+208, -19]
The male fans are seriously weird. They are saying how oong-aeng-oong is an "anti-men" word and keep commenting this on articles too. But I think that the fans who were making the "weightlifting" jokes about her are a bit thoughtlessㅜㅜ The female fans are not like this and it's just a weird situation.. I do think that the way she wrote her comments were a bit careless but did she deserve that much anger and hate?ㅜ Jihyo, fighting
4. [+166, -6]
Seriously, I did feel like the Twice kids have been on the edge lately. But they have been judged for their looks and bodies, discriminated against fellow members, excluded by fans from fellow members and gotten so many sexual comments. Especially Jihyo recently, because of her dating scandals, she got so many horrible rumors and I've seen so many sexual comments about her... Mina also got so many of those comments for her dating scandal back then. You can see how Mina isn't in good shape recently.. but because they are celebrities and are making money, they have to endure everything while people just ridicule them and hate on them. Seriously, I'm so worried for their mental state