You guys have all heard about NASA in the US trying to cover up for the mysteries of the universe right?!
There's this guy called Gary McKinnon who hacked into NASA's computer files
And said he'd reveal all the information and pictures he found
After that, during an interview he said he saw names of people who aren't from Earth but another planet and said
"NASA is conducting work that people can't even imagine of right now"
Q: Nothing like UFOs or aliens?
A: Those are the things you can imagine
And the last thing he said was even more goosebumps inducing...
He said that aside from the pictures, NASA is trying to hide other things
He said that NASA isn't a group of scientists who are studying the mysteries of the universe, rather it's an organization that's trying to hide and cover up their secrets
Those are the pictures that Gary McKinnon revealed:

post response:
original post: here
1. [+531, -27]
To be honest, isn't the biggest mystery ourselves as humans? No one can really know from a fact how humans started and ended. The fact that everyone is moving on their own with their own ego. Isn't this the most goosebumps inducing thing?
2. [+468, -291]
Vote up if you believe in the Iluminati, vote down if you don't
3. [+331, -5]
I'm really curious about what's inside the Area 51. They said that planes that cross that area get shot and humans would die
4. [+290, -1]
Isn't this super interesting??

The human brain is seriously interesting. If you keep your belief as A is B, your entire body will react to your belief. If you look at women, they can be not even pregnant but just them thinking that they're pregnant, their bellies will start to bloat and they'll start having morning sickness. There's a school in the US that did some experiment and they found that giving a lodging without smart phones or computers to 5 70 years old people, and making them think that they're back in the 1970s, making them watch 1970s TV shows, drama, news, and newspapers of that time, making them eat the food of that time, they found that even for 70 years old people who don't really have any strength anymore would start exercising again and they would start really acting as if they were young again. Their backs eventually straightened up and their hair conditions also got better. Isn't this freaking interesting? After they finished conducting the experiment, they did a body check and they found that those 70 years old had the body conditions of 30-40 years old
5. [+246, -62]
The mystery that they're not closing school even during and epidemicㄷㄷ