post response:
original post: here
1. [+142, -21]
The reason why they keep using Joy? Because she's f*cking pretty and good at it
2. [+120, -11]
Joy didn't even have any album promotion this year but already had 9 photoshoots
3. [+100, -9]
Sooyoung unnie, I love you

4. [+58, -5]
She's a photoshoot master. She's f*cking good

5. [+50, -51]
The more I see Joy, the more she looked like that boney fish in Dooly
6. [+48, -7]
Sexy dynamite

7. [+48, -4]
Antis can hate on her all they want but in the end, Joy is doing wellㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ If you have time, please vote for her or something

(Best OST: Joy 'Introduce Me A Good Person')