Friday, October 9, 2020


Taeyong, Mark, Sungchan, Yangyang, Johnny, Hendery

original post: here

1. Yangyang seriously did a god job... Jeno too ㅠㅠㅜ

2. Mark was crazy and Jeno improved so muchㅋㅋㅋ  wow I'm amazed

3. Ha ㅠㅠ Hendery and Yangyang were so good 

4. Wow everyone did so well and Mark's voice was so nice

5. Whta's up with Jeno? He's so good

6. Since when did Jeno got this talented?ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜ My bratㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜ

7. Mark is freaking solid, WayV kids are also freaking good;; Jeno also improved a lot 

8. Mark is indeed very good

9. Mark is f*cking cool his rap in the middle was crazy 

10. Taeyong's rap is something but he's really a genius at pulling off concepts 

11. It feels like something new and extravagant. Mark's rap was so good, I wonder if we'll be able to see this in music shows.. 

12. What's up with Lee Jeno? First of all, Lee Jeno already ended us just by being named Lee Jeno 

13. I knew that Mark and Taeyong were good but the rest of the members shocked me with how good they are 

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