Sorry for the trolling title
If you were suddenly cast by SM and was given an opportunity to become Aespa's 5th member, would you do it or not? Let's vote
Negative points
-> We still don't know if the rumors are true or not so you will get hate from Pann every day
Positive points
-> You'll get to earn a ton of money from being from a big company
-> It's a group that SM f*cking pushes
-> You can enjoy having high quality MV, song, styling, etc.
Pann-girls' jealousy and hate are not worth giving up on an idol's fancy lifeㅋㅋㅋ I'd rather become a member from Aespa and earn a solid amount of money and live the rest of my life well and eating well. So what if Pann-girls are hating on me? Also, all Pann-girls have inferiority complex on idols who do wellㅋㅋㅋ I would definitely join whether I get hate or not
2. [+171, -59]
Do Pann-girls not know any other word than "alba"? (T/N: part-time worker, I'm guessing it means that they suspect someone of working for the company) All of you are flocking in with the "alba" accusations as soon as someone calls Aespa prettyㅋㅋㅋ To be honest, just asking if someone has proofs about their rumors will be called an "alba". So you guys can't refute this without using the word "alba"...? Are there only elementary schoolers here? Why are you guys so childish?ㅋㅋ Just try to rebut this with your own words. You guys are the ones insisting that all their rumors and that the things that their acquaintances are saying are true. If they are their acquaintances, of course they would know right? But the important thing here is whether it's possible that these claims are fake?.. anyways, it's impossible for your guys to know right? The kids who are shielding them can't know either. So is it this hard to just stay neutral? Also, stop using the word "alba", it sounds so cheap...
3. [+152, -56]
Winter is seriously pretty

4. [+102, -149]
Karina is pretty though, why are you guys hating?

5. [+90, -200]
It's true that Karina is pretty. You guys always force the hate on her by taking bad screen shots of her every day. She debuted only 4 days ago and if she continues to receive treatment from SM, she will become even prettier. I don't think that she has the face that deserves any hateㅋㅋ especially not from the Pann-girls

6. [+74, -14]
Oh... so the opinion about them have changed a bit?ㅋㅋㅋ interesting. I still haven't watched their MV nor listened to their song. They just seems to have an image I hate soㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I've never thought about wanting to consume anything from them