Saturday, February 27, 2021


"They have contacted me today. However, I already sent my communication through another victim yesterday."

original post:
original post: here

1. [+350, -56]
They've treated OP like she didn't exist until now, but since she mentioned being in contact with PD's Note, they're urgently contacting her

2. [+300, -44]
I wonder what kind of conversation they've exchanged.... Just withdraw already....ㅠㅠ

3. [+205, -211]
No but is requesting a conversation a crime now..? Both sides probably have different memories of what happened, so that's they're contacting her to meet her no..?ㅠㅠ I'm not on Soojin's side... I'm just curiousㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+94, -2]
They've been acting like f*cking thugs everyday. Are they working with the company nextdoor? (t/n: they probably mean another entertainment company close to Cube) 

5. [+75, -32]
They definitely contacted her directly the moment she said she sent her information to PD's Note

6. [+48, -24]
I feel like it wasn't because of PD's Note but they're just meeting victims in order..? They've met the IG victim too. Looks like Cube needs time to organize everything 

7. [+46, -5]
There are so many people asking "Why aren't they meeting with Soojin?" They don't want to meet with the person who gave them bad memories during school days and they'll probably have a hard time. She's not even acknowledging what she's done and they're suddenly requesting OP to meet. Just think about the victim's position before commenting a bit 

8. [+46. -2]
OP was waiting all this time for them to contact her and already sent her communication through another victim yesterday, and Cube finally contacted her todayㅋㅋㅋ Yet they were the ones who said they would take "legal actions" first~

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