Just how do they treat the April members that the members have hospital record because of bullying;; there are now 2 people with hospital records

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1. [+358, -5]
It's Chaewon's parents who uploaded this hospital record. I know that they released this because they thought of their daughter, but looking at the time the hospitalization, it doesn't make her look good because she went to the hospital the same day that Hyunjoo's dongsaeng released his post. For reference, back then, the people around (staff, member's unnie, stylist, DSP singer) all framed her into some 'insincere member' [because she went to the hospital]. DSP also revealed in their own statement that because of Hyunjoo, the other members were having it hard so there was a reason behind the bullying. And right now, they're trying to say that Chaewon is having it hard so she went to the hospital. Just imagine how they could've manipulated us if Hyunjoo's dongsaeng never released her hospital record with the s*icide attempt?
2. [+357, -16]
The reason she went to the hospital is due to pressure drop, which is the most common reason for fainting, what does it have to do with the bullying? Hyuna, Kim Doyeon, Narsha, etc. all those skinny girls with tough schedules have fainted like that before with the same symptoms..
3. [+258, -5]
No but what are we supposed to get from this? They're insisting that Chaewon had nothing to do with it and are we supposed to come to this conclusion by looking at that? The dongsaeng already released a record about Hyunjoo's suicide attempt and the member's unnie even released a post shielding April. Even DSP proved us that they dropped her on that date. It's not like they're uploading this without any prior consultation, so are they trying to use this to show us that she wasn't part of the bullying? It's not like people are hard bent over believing what Hyunjoo is saying, so I can't understand why they did this
4. [+103, -6]
What's the relation between her sickness and bullying? Can I claim that I was bullied with a drop of pressure to? What are they saying?
5. [+96, -8]
She was just on a diet ㅋㅋ
6. [+84, -7]
So many girls faint because of pressure drop no? Our unnie had it too and my friend too.. This isn't something life threatening or super dangerous...