Monday, March 15, 2021



post response:
original post: here

1. [+259, -40]
If you guys really pitied the victims from the rigging, then you should just boycott Mnet altogether, but here you guys are sending likes to Kingdom while acting like that towards these kids who are already disbanding 

2. [+236, -32]
No but I can certify that I'm a fan of Izone but it's true that Izone has to disband in the end. Seeing how Pann is mocking them for crying sadly is jsut wrong.. They're still in their early 20s and some of them are still teens too 

3. [+156, -30]
I feel bad for them, if only they weren't rigged, who knows how much of a bigger success they could've achieved

4. [+106, -104]
Acting victims while stealing others' spots?

5. [+64, -27]
What wrong did they commit... It's those greedy adults' faults.. Me too I cry whenever I see this so I couldn't even enter Twitter.. I still can't believe this, it still feels like they might comeback and promote again in a few months. I just saw all the light sticks during their online concerts today and just wished that I could have the chance to light it again. I'll miss them 

6. [+59, -1]
Aside from the rigging, I really hope they stopped making project groups like that. Ultimately people will overindulge for Produce, but once the ending hits, their hearts will break again... The saddest is seeing them say things like "I was happy" in the last concert

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