Tuesday, March 30, 2021


We are sharing a statement again to resolve the misunderstandings stemming from the speculations and criticisms that continue to be made after our statement regarding “Snowdrop.”

The current controversy has resulted from fragmentary information that is a combination of an incomplete synopsis and parts from the character descriptions. These fragments of information are being combined with speculations, making false information appear to be true. Of course, this is the production team’s fault for not being careful while managing unrefined data.

We would like to reveal some parts of the plot of “Snowdrop” to help with your understanding.

1. Regarding the controversy that the drama disparages the pro-democracy movement, “Snowdrop” is not a drama that deals with the pro-democracy movement. In the script, there are is not a single part where the male and female protagonists participate in or lead the pro-democracy movement. On the contrary, there is a character that is unfairly oppressed because they were accused of being a North Korean spy by the military regime of the 1980s.

2. The background and the motif behind the main events in “Snowdrop” is the political situation surrounding the 1987 presidential elections, not the pro-democracy movement. The drama portrays a fictional story about the military regime, the NSP, and others in power at the time colluding with the North Korean dictatorship and planning a conspiracy to retain their power.

3. In this setting, a North Korean spy and an agent of the NSP who is chasing the spy appear as the main characters. They are not characters who represent their respective government and organization. They are characters who highlight a critical viewpoint on the NSP, which actively supports a corrupt desire for power to maintain the ruling party. Therefore, the concern that the drama glamorizes being a spy or working for the NSP is not relevant to “Snowdrop.”

4. The reason we described the NSP agent as “straightforward and just” is because he is a secret agent who turns down the chance to be appointed to a powerful position in his country and instead works overseas after he is disheartened to see his colleagues “creating” spies instead of “catching” them. He is also portrayed as a man of principle who turns his back on the corrupt organization and does what he thinks is right.

5. The name of one of the characters in the drama is not related to [real-life pro-democracy activist] Chun Young Cho. However, as it has been pointed out that the name is reminiscent of her, we will change the female protagonist’s name.

From this moment on, based on the information above, we ask you to refrain from misleading the public opinion by framing false information about a drama that has yet to air as if they are facts. Please recognize that this behavior discourages and causes serious harm to the many creators who are trying to create a good production.

We will do our best to receive positive reviews with the complete drama.
Cr. Soompi

original post :here

1. Just scrap the whole thing 

2. The more I read the more I'm wondering what they're trying to claim? I don't know anymore ㅋㅋㅋ

3. Why do they always emphasize on the freedom of expression? 

4. Scrap the whole thing and stop bullsh*tting 

5. What other meanings does "Spy from Nampa" have?ㅋㅋ  Please explain to me because I fail to understand their claims ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. https://www1.president.go.kr/petitions/597214 Kids, let's sign the petition!!

7. Do they think the audience are fools?ㅋㅋ

8. Military regime, the National security organization, and other conspiracies with the North Korean dictatorship to maintain power. And they claim to not distort history??? What the hell ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. Ah just f*ck off 

10. I'm curious to know who is writing all this bullsh*tㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  It's daebak hilarious ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 


Among the characters, Kye Bun Ok (reminiscent of Kim Ok Bun's name, a case where a family murdered the wife and passed her off as a spy, this is the name of the victim), and Kang Chung Ya (During the Korean War, the military massacred more than 700 people in the Geochang. The operation name for the massacre was "Kyun Byeok Chung Ya"). How are you going to explain this? You want to deny all state violence, don't you?

Kang Chung Ya - In 1950, the military massacred civilians from Geochang to Haman and covered up by claiming they were communists. (t/n: the Korean army massacred 700 unarmed citizens including 300+ children)
Following the April 19th movement, the Bereaved Family Association were arrested and tortured under Park Chung Hee. (T/n: Park Chung-Hee is the president/military colonel who launched the military Coup d'état of May 16th 1961)
(t/n2: Insightful paper about the Bereaved Family Association here: https://apjjf.org/-Brendan-Wright/4387)

The male lead is a transfer student from Germany - under Park Chung Hee's regime, he would imprison and lock down German transfer students under the claim they were spies

Are you going to deny everything that happened with the state's violence, Syngman Rhee and Park Cheung Hee?

These are the talks circulating around right now
And I was wondering why the leads' names looked so weird to start with, this is kinda wrong

original post: here

1. ???????

2. Wow they're crazy at this point f*ck... 

3. I felt like those 2 names were so unique... This is way too much 

4. Can they scrap this already? Why are we getting more and more of this the more you peel? 

5. F*ck just remove this already 

6. Wow....

7. What a mess

8. This is irrefutable

9. Just take it off air 

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