Wednesday, April 7, 2021



A revealed the details of the first call she had with Park Chorong. According to the transcript, PCR replied to A's question, "Why did you assault me?" by actually admitting that she abused A.

The following is a chronological excerpt of the contents of the conversation between PCR and A.

PCR: I wouldn't do things like this to with without reason.

A: Whether you had a reason or not, it's true that you're the one at fault. What wrong did I do to you? Back then, after I got hit by you, I reported you to the police. But at that point, my friend told me to just hold it in because you were drunk. My friend told me you did that because you were drunk so to hold back. 

PCR: But I should've talked to you back then, and this is the issue. Just like you said in the DM you sent, there was a misunderstanding. Anyways, this is something I should've just talked through with you at that point in time, but me too, this situation angered me a bit.

A: No but why did you do this? Say it. What was the reason? Why were you mad at me?

PCR: Just like you said in the DM, there was someone I liked back then.

A:  Yeah, that's right. But he went out with me. I don't know if it's the reason why you did this, anyways, from what I remember is that your friend told me "Chorong said you just need to get beaten up". They brought me to you and you hit me that day. The reason I remember is because at that time, you hit me in the shin first and then you kicked me, I had a bruise back then because of that, on my shin. Back then I had to go to school with my skirt and even my friend remembers [the bruises] now. And what was it? At that time, there were so many kids

A: That's why at that time, I honestly wondered what you would've thought if you were at my place. Have you ever considered that this kind of shock would last this long? Or did you simply forget?

PCR: No, I wouldn't be able to forget 

A: To be honest, even talking to you now makes my whole body shake. While talking to you. But once you get married in the future, and your daughter receives the same treatment as me, will you really think that this was nothing? 

PCR: No. 

A: It's because of this, I was honestly so weak back then. My frame was small and I looked weak. But because of this small trauma that I had left in my, even when I went to the university, whenever a group of female students would look at me, I would this.... "Ah do they have any ill intent towards me? Are they swearing at me?" And I bowed my head down while walking around, this is what I've became all this time.

PCR: Sorry, really. That's why me too.... First of all, I should've just never done this back then. No matter the misunderstanding or not, I should've just talked to you, and back then me too I was so... Just so mad at that situation

A: This is what you're saying now, but if you were to become a celebrity and debut to always appear on TV, you should've just apologized to me. Am I not right? I've always been living in this pain?

PCR: Me too I'll tell you honestly, I've auditioned quickly and rose, and I didn't think through back then. Me too, this happened in such a small time that I just ran through everything. I think it's true that I didn't take care of everything that I had to resolve.

+For the people calling this fake, this is the victim's authentication that it's her transcript

post response:
original post: here

1. [+1,067, -186]
Looking at this, it makes me realize how lenient the editor was towards Irene.. Just go look at those Irene shinyeos in the trending posts committing secondary assaults

2. [+990,- 11]
Seeing how she even went as far to make sure that the phone couldn't record Facetime, she probably thought that the victim would never be able to expose this? F*cking goosebumps. She's the one who was drunk and hitting others. PCR ssi should be thankful the victim never exposed her during her prime

3. [+918, -8]
Summary: The victim got to date the person that she liked so she went to drink, got mad, and hit her with her friend. She made sure that they used a phone that wouldn't be able to record and exchanged a conversation, but the victim was able to record her using other means

4. [+382, -3]
Sigh... Stop promoting personalities from now on seriously 

5. [+341, -4]
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ A high schooler drinking because of men issues and saying herself that she would beat up a friend? And saying that she would sue her first? ㅋㅋㅋ


original post: here

1. Wow I was still wondering whether it could be false, but this is scary 

2. Hul she's so scary, even her reason for doing this 

3. So she got mad that the guy she liked ended up with another person?ㅋㅋ  And yet she feels it's unfair that we call her school violence assailant? 

4. Wow...Her image making was freaking good 

5. F*cking evil... She was lucky that this never blew up during her prime time. She was able to live in the honey land for 10 years with that personality of hers

6. First of all, the hitting was true...Park Chorong  has no more reason to change her statement now. She literally mentioned that she wouldn't hit anyone without a reason, but she actually had a reason so that's why she never apologized? What a mess

7. Does she think that just because she was out of it because she was drunk that she wasn't at fault? I bet the fans will buy this 

8. Seriously hate her

9. Wow... She looks so innocent on the surface

10. No but iljins like her and Soojin are so shamelessㅋㅋ that's the reason your face needs to be like iron to become a celebrity 


The official position of Park Chorong's agency is as follows:

We are forwarding you our position regarding the recently reported recording.

Only part of the transcript was excerpted by  Kim and maliciously distorted.

At the time of the first call, Kim made a threatening contact, and there was a high concern of unexpected behavior, such as talking about a private life(?) that was not related to her case and that was not true. First, PCR apologized while listening without asking for details. She has had close relationships and conflicts in the past, so she apologized for any reason and refused to admit to the assault. Kim requested a meeting, and the date was adjusted accordingly.

According to the content, [Kim] has been threatening for more than a month, Kim is telling stories that have nothing to do with the nature of the matter to reveal the 'assault or not' from PCR, such as revealing photos of the past and using only some of the transcripts.

We also have 1st and 2nd transcripts. We also submitted all the transcripts and evidence to the police. We tried to reveal the truth according to the legal process, but since Kim's malicious reports are spreading around, we are refraining from unnecessary stories as much as possible, but we plan to disclose transcripts if necessary.

original post: here

1. The way that the official statement is trying to refute this is quite awkwardㅋㅋ  It's my first time seeing this 

2. Let's just wait for the company's side then 

3. Park Chorong is so low 

4. So the company claims that they've been threatened for months so I hope that they'll be able to tell us how this happened? But I bet that the victim threatened the company because they kept refusing to apologize even after the victim came out 

5. I bet the company also distorted parts of the stories with their recording ㅋㅋ

6. Ok just try to refute the assault, we'll be the judge anyways ㅋㅋㅋ

7. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. So if they have their own side to the story why not reveal it?? 

9. Yet they're still not revealing anything? 

10. We're asking you what was different~~ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


The following is the full transcript of Kim's position.


This is the person who got sued by PCR because she claimed her innocence

Yesterday evening, I was really astonished when I saw PCR's stance

Honestly, I got goosebumps to the point I wondered if she was even human.

I didn't want to reveal the transcripts like this,

After seeing how she's trying to hide until the end, it made me realize that human nature really doesn't change.

I, too, became stronger in my mind to go to the end.

The conversation wasn't just an apology for childhood quarrels, but she was clearly aware that I have been assaulted.

Is this just an apology for the quarrel?

She said herself "I should've talked to you instead..". So this wasn't a conversation, it was an assault that she did to me, what other thing do you want this to mean?

She admitted and apologized, but I did not accept apologies, so that's why she wanted to Facetime me.

I haven't bein in touch with her for more than 10 years, so I wondered why she suddenly wanted to Facetime me.

I was suspicious that she intended to check if my phone was an iPhone or not (because iPhones cannot be recorded).

Then, three days later, on the second call, she switched words and said that she had never admitted to the assault. I was so shocked.

She kept thinking that I was never recording her, yet, I was doing it all this time. I always had the intention to reveal the first recording to the court. 

The reason why PCR apologized in the call, but this is the reason I've never accepted it:
Just saying a single "sorry" doesn't erase all the trauma I've suffered from the past 10 years. My body was still shaking after our phone call.

As you can see from the conversation, she knew the reason she had to beat me and she thought that this justified her assault.

I didn't feel she was sorry at all.

I never thought of receiving money from her. If it was the case, I would've met with PCR's lawyer and get a settlement already.

I had trauma in my school days because of PCR and her friends who were perpetrators.

I think I still grew up without a shortage thanks to my supportive family.

PCR's fans are asking why I'm only coming out now, but I once called her agency when PCR made her debut and told them that I got beaten up by her. 

At that time, a woman who received my call from her agency hung up, dismissing my words as an anti-fan's prank call.

After that, I just lived without watching or listening to Apink.

This time, as the school violence Me too movement came up, I saw all the other victim's claims and the images of my trauma vividly resurfaced.

As the fans said, if I had decided to ruin PCR from the beginning, I would have revealed it at the height of her prime day.

I have never posted any disclosures about PCR on the Internet before this incident happened, and I have never commented on any article related to Apink.

On her statement, PCR claimed I was her friend and I had been incredibly close with her from elementary school to high school.

She was never a close friend of mine. I haven't been in contact with her since Highschool 2nd year either in 2008.

Even during the 10 years of her promotions, we've never contacted once.

They called me sensitive because I was a close friend of hers and that elementary schoolers are sensitive to school violence things like that.
But I, a victim, have suffered for over 10 years with my pain and memories! I would like to ask if you have ever thought about how painful it would have been.

Also, I would like to ask why you consider my the effort to communicate smoothly through my own statement to my lawyer is considered a threat to you?

They claimed that they have the whole testimonies with other classmates testimonies 

Me too I have the whole transcript and I'm able to refute anything they claim from it.

And the on-site testimony that came out was actually written by one of PCR's close friend who was also one of the perpetrators.

They know that the punishment is impossible because the statute of limitations has passed after 10 years of the assault case, so that's why they're able to say things like "PCR never assaulted".

It makes no sense that PCR was standing still while all of her perpetrator friends were hitting me.
It's because PCR was actually there. 

Also, what I still remember vividly as a victim is that the assault began because PCR slapped me in the cheek. 

I would like to ask how the other perpetrators claiming that what I'm saying is false can be taken as a proof?

I was dragged alone when I was beaten, so there are no witnesses on the scene, but I have a friend who remembers all this happening on that day.
And from that time onwards, a lot of kids eventually learned what happened to me as well.

Had it not been for the assault, I would have said nothing about PCR and her friends. 

In her statement, PCR claims that she has never removed me clothes, which made me wonder if she even read the article that was out? 
I've never even claimed PCR took my clothes off.

I wrote that one of her group's people said "Take her clothes off" and they were able to pull my cardigan away but not my clothes.

From the beginning, I insisted on what I remember.

Now, I have been harmed a second time by by PCR and her agency.

PCR has a lot of fans, but as an ordinary person, I am under tremendous attack by PCR's fans.

I stopped working from extreme stress and resentment, and my daily life collapsed.

The assault from 10 years ago wasn't enough, and now I am continuing to receive 2nd 3rd 4th assaults.

My voice was included in the transcript, so I asked for a stenographer clearly.

In case of rebuttal or false information in my article, I will disclose the following evidence.

In addition, indiscriminate malicious comments and false information are all collected. All of them will be legally dealt with.

I'm a person who desperately wants to be true in court.

I think the truth is supposed to be revealed in the end when it is judged in court.

I will bet everything and go to the end. Thank you for reading the long article.

original post: here

1. Thanking her for holding back all those 10 years isn't even enough 

2. I don't want to see school violence perpetrators

3. The victim cleanly organized everything, this is irrefutable and Chorong won't be able to say anything to defend her anymore. She needs to acknowledge her fault and just apologize. 

4. Find strength!

5. The victim was smart 

6. Park Chorong is amazing. She's just as dumb as Seo Soojin 

7. Seriously so shameless, she's not gonna apologize until the end? 

8. Park Chorong screw offㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Jo Byung Gyu, Park Hyesoo, Seo Soojin, all those perpetrators' common point: crying claiming it's definitely not trueㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. This is irrefutable... 

10. Let's screw off fast

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