Thursday, July 15, 2021



Shouldn't it be obvious for idols to interact with their fans.. ㅋㅋ
Before that, they did similar things with Channel+ on Vlive too, but it wasn't this severe

post response:
original post: here

1. [+226, -3]
If they're going towards the wrong direction, they should try to rectify it right away. Of course. No matter how important interactions is in KPOP, it makes you wonder just how much do idols earn already and just how much they view fans simply as ATMs to come up with an idea like thatㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's disgusting

2. [+223, -5]
Before Bubble existed, I would've never imagined that one day I'd have to pay idols to communicate What the hell is this? They're ruining the ecology of idols

3. [+123, -3]
We live in a world where I think idols who think that interacting with fans is something obvious to do are the weird ones now

4. [+96, -2]
And even when we pay them, they hardly ever communicate? That pisses me off

5. [+60, -1]
If you think about idols in the past, this is something that wasn't fathomableㅋㅋㅋ  Meanwhile you have members now who show zero sincerity when we pay them and they don't even come

6. [+57, -7]
It's weird the moment when you start treating interactions as a business. It's kinda forcing idols who don't use those communicating platforms to communicate tooㅋㅋㅋ  In the past, we didn't even mind not knowing what they were doing during their breaks.. 

7. [+51, -1]
I bet they act f*cking fed up if they had to communicate that much with their girlfriends yet they're sending stuff like "Everyone~ goodnight" 

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