Thursday, July 29, 2021


The Republic of Hannams is striking and discouraging Korean women while hyping up Hannams
Starting from the media, it's already a gaslighting hell
"Titles for men
'Even though we lost by a big margin, it was meaningful! 'Korean rugby' a historical debut'
'Even though we lost, we fought well! Rugby Olympic's first participation and first score!'

The male rugby team lost 56:0 - they lost but they fought well!
Nowhere does it mention that they lost 56 to 0. They only mentioned that they made 1 goal, They are turning this into some conquest story and calling this the top of the top"

"Titles for women
'Kim Yeon-koung wasn't enough... Women's volleyball, complete defeat by the Brazil'
'Lee Dabin's silver medal... The first time that Korea has 'no gold' in 21 years'

The women's volleyball team lost by 2 points and they brought up the player's name and nagged about 'not being enough', and conspicuously said that they had a "complete defeat"!
And for the silver medal in Taekwondo, they shamed her saying that it was the first no-gold in 21 years"

post response:
original post: here

1. [+1,112, -100]
Just from the moment the women's archery won gold and men's archery won gold, the reactions were already so f*cking differentㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+1,014, -73]
A f*cking f*cked up country

3. [+836, -95]
Honestly, I can't believe that I'm so cursed for being born in this country

4. [+441, -13]
There are currently foreign news reports about Hannams making a fuss over An San's hairㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+431, -30]
56:0 is severeㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ but they looked at that and said that even though they lost, they fought wellㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+343, -15]
They are bullsh*tting with their "complete defeat" and "no-gold". Seriously, the female-hate is severeㅋㅋ

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