He's the first idol to have ever passed KATUSA
You need to score above 850 in TOIEC, so they cut you right off the start from the score. Crazy

Full score on TOEIC speaking
Bachelor of Business Administration in Dongguk University
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1. [+93, -1]
God-Younghyun seriously... He's so cool that even until the moment he leaves for the army, he's cool. Kang Bryan, you've never been uncool in the entire time I've liked you, I've never been unhappy, and I've never been embarrassed to say that I like you, thank you for not making me cry and only giving me happiness while fangirling. You can only pass KATUSA once and even if your school grades are good, if luck doesn't come your way, you can still failㅠㅠ please rest for a bit, I'll be happy in the meantime just replaying videos over and over
2. [+58, -0]
While watching the Vlive, my heart was getting shred to pieces and when I spoke about it with my friend in the army, he said that "it's impossible"ㅋㅋ I got f*cking stressed, but after looking up what KATUSA meant, I chilled down..... 1 year and a few months is nothing Younghyun... I love you... Everyone please give YoungK a lot of interest for his September solo debut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3. [+57, -0]
Kang Younghyun... Serve well, I'll live my life to the fullest too

4. [+32, -0]
I took in everything in the post... KATUSA isn't something that you can only achieve through English. You also need luck... My friend had over 970 points on TOIEC and his speaking was the wall, still he failed ㅠ
5. [+29, -0]
No but I passed out at his 116 score on TOEFL how do you achieve this grade?