In March of last year, I was in a situation where I had to prepare for the high school 3rd grade entrance exam, and at that time, I was looking for (dance) lessons (t/n: from a dance academy) for the entrance exam because I decided to pursue dancing as my career path.
Then I saw a dancer, who is currently appearing in SWF, and I fell in love with her dance style, so on March 24, I contacted the dancer and decided to proceed with the entrance exam. The entrance examination fee was a total of 2.6 million won for lessons + entrance exam work (choreography), and a total of 2.9 million won including the rental fee for the practice room where the lessons will be held.
Just like thee story (?) mentioned by the dancer, her lessons start from April, once a week for a month for 1 hour and 30 minutes, then for the next month, if I want to add personal lessons, would have to add more money to pursue the lessons, so we started holding conversations on this topic. Our conversations became mostly about paying and proceeding with the lessons. In the meantime, due to my circumstances, the deposit date was delayed, and on April 1st, I deposited 2.9 million won for the entrance examination fee to the dancer.
I had to coordinate with the dancer to set a lesson date and proceed with the lesson, but most of the practical dance and practical skills classes (t/n: from the university) started in August, so I had plenty of time until May. So, before the entrance exam, I raised my skills as much as possible and went to attend a lot of the dancer's classes. Me too, I wasn't in a rush and I try to be understanding with the busy schedule that the dancer might have so I thought to myself that I wouldn't reach out to her first and waited for her to reach out to me instead. So we kept on pushing and pushing with her saying "Let's start the week after" "Let's start the week after". In the midst of it, the dancer started working as a dancer for a famous idol around the end of May, so she became even more busy. She then asked me "What about intensive practices starting from July?" and I agreed.
Then, at the end of June 2020, on June 29, ahead of the start of the July entrance exam, my entrance exam preparation lesson was suddenly canceled. I had forgotten to let my parents know about 'The teacher (dancer) is very busy, so we decided to start the entrance exam lessons from July', so my parents called the dancer and asked 'We made the deposit 3 months ago, so why don't you proceed with the entrance exam lessons?' I already had booked a lesson in July, but the dancer was offended by my parents who suddenly called her out of the blue, and my parents were also angry at the dancer's hurtful words and attitude expressed during the call.
While they were arguing with each other like that, the dancer brought up the issue of refund by saying, ‘Then what should I do? Do you want a refund?’ and my parents answered ‘yes, please’. After a few days of arguing like that, on July 8th, I got a call from the dancer saying that she would not proceed with the entrance exam lessons, and the entrance exam lesson was canceled regardless of my argument.
Regarding the refund, the dancer said to my parents, ‘I have already created a workplan for the entrance exam, and there is a lot of hard work including all the time I spent creating the workplan, so I cannot refund the cost of the workplan. I will refund you only 500,000 won for the lesson fee.’ And my parents said it was okay. At that time, due to the cancellation of the entrance exam practice, I suddenly had to prepare for the entrance exam on my own, and my mental state became very weak. So when my parents told me about it, I just said 'ok' too.
However, as time went on, questions arose about whether she even created those workplan, I've never seen a video of those classes she prepared, nor the material, on top she said the rental fee, etc. was 300,000 won, so of the 2.9 million won I paid her, she could only refund 500,000 won. My suspicions just grew and I started ruminating on it. First, is it even right that I should receive a partial refund for the work fee when I don't have a video or something to prove that she had work for my entrance exam? Second, is the rental fee included in the 500,000 won she said she would refund? Third, if it is included, it would mean that the the workplan for entrance exam lessons was 2.6 million won, the rental fee was 300,000 won, in total, it was 2.9 million won, so the workplan fee was only 2.4 million(?), and for the 4 lessons I got which were 50,000 won each turned out to be 200,000 won? (T/n: not too sure about the calculations here..)
I'm not the type of person who usually creates issues with others, so I wished that I could just coolly overlook it, thinking that it would be over when the money was deposited. My parents also thought that one day, I might meet that dancer in private or in a work setting, so they were telling me to just hold back and to keep good contact with the dancer, so I contacted the dancer several times, hoping to have a conversation with her. Seeing how the dancer never replied to my calls, and seeing her her attitude was growing frustrating, my parents came to look for the dancer at the academy. After the academy reception told them that the dancer would wait for them in the cafe above, they went to wait for her, but she never came.
So a few months ago, I couldn't afford to worry more about this while preparing for the entrance exam so I stopped thinking about it. But I started thinking about it again around February 2021, when the entrance exam was over and I was accepted into the university. From July, 2020, when the entrance exam lessons were canceled, 6-7 months passed, and until February of this year, the 500,000 won had never been deposited. I tried contacting that dancer and asked her when she would deposit the money, I asked her twice, and even after seeing my messages, she never replied to any of them.
Three months later, in May 2021, after much thought, I contacted the dancer to ask for a full refund of 2.9 million won instead of 500,000 won, and at that time I was able to receive a reply from the dancer. She said in advance that full refunds are impossible, and since she's already told us before hand, that she had nothing more to add. She couldn't do it. It's already been months since this has happened, so at that point, I have already expected that this situation wouldn't end up looking good, so after the dancer told me that she couldn't do it, I just didn't answer anymore. Even after 4 months, the money still hasn't been refunded.
I've been telling myself, I just need to let one year pass and I'll forget about this! Life doesn't always go the way you want! Things like this can happen! But after seein gher appear on SWF and seeing her appear on TV every time I open it, seeing her on Youtube and SNS, I just can't let this slide anymore.
I still have a lot of respect for her and I've always wanted to achieve her level of skills in dancing, even now, but 2.9 million was by no means a small amount for me. I feel like even if I were to sue her for 2.9 million, or even if I contacted in another way, nothing would changed. Although my parents told me to hold back since I might see her in the future if I become a professional dancer, I thought that it wouldn't do me any service and it wouldn't be respectful to my parents to just let this slide, seeing she's never changed her attitude.
[OP closes saying she doesn't want the dancer to get hate for her looks/dancing and that she deserves respect. OP says that the dancer was probably immature with the way she handled things back then and that if this can be an opportunity for her to fix her mistakes]
(t/n: we will heavily paraphrase the screenshots/pictures, it's basically a more detailed account of alleged Rozalin and OP's conversations)
(OP and Rozalin agreeing on 2.6M won, OP says that her fee is very cheap compared to her usual lessons)

(OP trying to reach out Rozalin for the refund, saying that she's still watching all her videos well, etc. OP talks about how reimbursing 500K won is already cheap, etc. Rozalin has seen the messages, but didn't reply)

(Rozalin replying about how she can't refund. She says that she already prepared all of the materials, but because of her schedule, she already told OP's mom she will be cancelling everything. Rozalin says she doesn't have anything else to say. OP replies asking her how she was able to pay the practice room fees when they haven't even set a time for their lessons)

(OP saying how she still respects Rozalin, that she understands Rozalin is really busy and that she still sees her as a role model. She feels sorry for making things uncomfortable between the two.
Rozalin replies: Just want do you want? Just get to the point. I don't even know what you're on.
OP replies that she wants her to reimburse everything.
Rozalin says she can't and that she already spoke with OP's mom and that she never said she can reimburse)

(timeline: this was during the back and forth of pushing classes, before the reimbursement talk. OP's mom sending text to Rozalin saying how she's a bit mad that she cancelled the class and pushed classes for 5 months. Saying that her daughter is not dancing for fun, but to enter university)

(Same text as before. She asks Rozalin to start class in July)

(OP's mom said she can't get in touch with Rozalin, she asks for a time to talk with her (beginning of July). She texts her again in the middle of July that she understand she won't be having any lessons. She still asks Rozalin to talk to her)

(OP's mom texting Rozalin again asking her to refund because she's not answering the calls)
post response:
original post: here
1. [+1,140, -7]
So she accepted the payment directly to her bank account, which means that she could've evaded tax tooㅋㅋㅋㅋ Usually, there's a set rule that the academy fees are still refundable until the start of the class, but she's the one who stopped contacting OP, meanwhile she claims that she already paid the renting fee? This is just dumbfounding. They didn't even set a date for the practice, what rental fee? She never showed her work yet she's talking about material preparation fees? If she says she can't refund everything because of the workplan fees, then she should show the proof of what she already produced (ex. a video) and reimburse everything while absorbing the fee for the studio rental herself. Isn't scamming a crime? I feel like she needs to be reported to the police
2. [+858, -5]
Hul how can you just forget about the money a student preparing for entrance exam gave you? Her attitude is just dumbfounding. I seriously feel turned off from people like her...;;
3. [+70,4- 6]
OP-yah don't post this in life stories, but in teens stories (t/n: OP ended up posting in enter-talk)!!!! I'm seriously so mad for you... Do you think it makes sense that she's only reimbursing 500,000 won out of 2.9 million won? Even considering choreography fees... So if she's not making a choreography she's gonna ask 200,000 only?
4. [+658, -4]
When they're talking about taking lessons, she's sending all those hearts bbyong bbyong, meanwhile once they mention refund, she throws that attitude to your momㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Is that really the same person we're watching?
5. [+620, -2]
The dancers' market is so small, I felt so bad when OP kept calling her teacher teacher and couldn't even say how much she hated being in this situation... Such a young person would've gotten so hurt from words like these especially coming from someone they like.
6. [+565, -4]
Monika and LipJ are f*cking saints
original post: here
1. I'm not shielding her, but where is the proof that this is really Rozalin from only showing some Katalks, DMs and tests? Don't we need something more? ㅠㅠ
2. Why is she talking informally? What's up with that personality? She's a scammer
3. This is seriously oba... Does she not know how important entrance exams are...
4. Wow... How can you do that to a kid...
5. I already knew she would get into a controversy with her personality, but a scamming controversy wow...
6. The way she talks is just rude... Her personality is showing... From scamming to evading tax... As expected, there's a reason why people who've been in the dancing community for a long time have broke ties with her.. LipJ and Monika were right
7. Her speech is so rude. Her personality is totally exposed. Do you want money that bad? Are you a hobo?
8. The student talked to her way too gently, so she probably thought OP was a pushover... In the end, OP wasn't able to receive anything. She has no intention of giving anything from the 2.9M back right? Ugh
9. What the? ㅋㅋㅋ She's straight up a scammer
10. She lives like a gangster