Tuesday, September 28, 2021



left to right: BoA, Taeyong, Hwang Sanghoon, Total

WANT and YGX will be revealed next week 

original post: here

1. But the 2 teams left both scored the worse;;; 

2. All the teams I like are at the top 

3. I can't understand Hook's score. The moment Sooyoung appeared, it just felt like a performance and I couldn't see Hook's dancing anymore. To be honest, her clothing being this different made her stand out too much 

4. Sooyoung's focus was way too much meanwhile, her movements and dancing and power were both lacking. The ending also felt like wishy washy, so I went huh? when they gave 99 points for hook. It felt like they just gave whatever

5. Hook would've been way better without a celebrity, she stood out too much 

6. I agreed with every point that Hwang Sanghoon made, except the comments he made for Hook... He gave such a cold and straight forward feedback to Lachica. I can totally understand from his perspective of someone who've seen so many performances, that theirs might look a bit cliche, so I couldn't understand why he gave Hook 99 points

7. I can understand Hwang Sanghoon's score, I liked Hook's performance, but if you only watch the Youtube video, since it's a still shot, you can only see Sooyoung because of her clothes and it was f*cking a shame. With the broadcast's editing, it was actually cool and you definitely can't tell that it's Sooyoung and her backdancers

8. BoA gave Lachica the lowest score, so people can stop with BoA's favoritism for Lachica now?

9. Lachica's score is a shameㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ  Personally, I liked their stage the most

10. Even if Lachica's song was a bit obvious, I feel like their stage composition was good. It made me think 'as expected from Lachica' so I can't understand their score. For Hook, you could only notice Sooyoung and their stage composition was seriously so random at times


Moana: But we're way too strong?
Hyojin Choi: We're seriously strong! It's like an athlete gathering. 
Rozalin: They're reliable
Moana: They're the best guests out of the guests out there

Eevee: How many celebrities are there? What's the celebrity chance?
HoneyJ: People like that don't have that much time, so it could be a disadvantage to have them too.

Rihey: What's up with WANT's celebrities... (back vocal: they know that it's about the general public's pick)
Rihey: I have no celebrities acquaintances, so am I living a sad life? This isn't supposed to be "Celebrity woman fighter"!

Rian: This feels like a celebrities party over there
Gabi: But this isn't "Celebrity woman fighter"!

Monika: No but honestly speaking, I thought I came here to battle among dancers. So it's XX hilarious to see that we're battling with celebrities. Does it make any sense that we have to worry about which celebrities will come out? I just hope that dancers who are able to tell a story through dancing come together. And we get rid of (those who can't) this time.

"Monika's hyping up"

Monika: No but honestly speaking, I thought I came here to battle among dancers. So it's XX hilarious to see that we're battling with celebrities. 
If they wanted to see dancers coming together to show what they can do, they should stick with this until the end. Looks like there are kids who (used celebrities) to stand behind. Why can't they forge their own identity with their job? Do they think that popularity is the best thing they can get?
(commentary room)
Monika: I just hope that people don't forget that this is a program meant for dancers

original post: here

1. She's f*cking refreshing 

2. Monika's words are f*cking true. I watched everything she said while nodding my head the whole time ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. Of course you can use your connections with celebrities as dancers' helpers, but I seriously think it's sucks that you use them as the center focus of your choreography 

4. Monika seriously has such strong confidence, she's cool 

5. She's f*cking right!! No matter how you try to bend that, in the end, you're there to receive the highest score

6. Do you think that the other teams aren't calling celebrities because they don't have connections? Then what about YGX and Lachica? They have so many celebrities in their connections, but they didn't even think about using any of them. It's because to them, they're the protagonists there. And they have their pride in delivering on the mission, so they didn't call any of the celebritiesㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The teams who called the celebrities sure are comparable with their mindsets

7. I seriously hope that we'll only see dancers on this program seriously.... Even if the judgement didn't have anything to do with views, I hope they only use dancers

8. I can totally feel how proud Monika is for being a dancer, she looked pissed and upset

9. Monika can totally say something like that. As I'm watching SWF, I've got to know so many people from different crews, and the way Monika is introducing dancing as her pride just makes whatever teams like Hook and Want do a jokeㅋㅋ  The teams who didn't use celebrities are the most amazing ones

10. She thinks like that and they also were the team with the highest score, that's freaking cool... 

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