Tuesday, September 28, 2021


Yonsei University’s ‘2021 Seoul Sex Report’

1 year abstinence 36%… 11% in 2000

One in three Korean adults has not had sex in the past year. It is analyzed that the ‘sexless’ life is spreading in Korean society, more than three times the result of the same question surveyed 21 years ago.

"I haven't had sex in the past year"
2020 - US Pfizer Research Report
2021 - 
Yeom Yoo Shik and Choi Jun Yong's Yonsei University Report

According to the results of a study on “Sex Life in Seoul Residents in 2021” conducted by Yeom Yoo Shik, a sociology professor at Yonsei University and Choi Jun Yong, a professor of internal medicine at Yonsei University, 64% of respondents said they had had sex in the past year and 36% said they had not had sex. done. Considering that Pfizer's 2000 Global Sexual Attitudes and Behavior Study (GSSAB), the Korean version of the same question answered 11%, the number of sexless adults more than tripled in 21 years.

original post: here

1. Even if I don't do it, I don't have thoughts of wanting to do it. There are so many things that are more fun to doㅋㅋㅋ

2. I just never had thoughts of wanting to do it... also, it could be dangerous and it makes me anxious. It seems like a waste of time and there are so many things to prepare beforehand. Living alone is so much better

3. It's not even fun and it barely satisfies me. I'd rather do something I like with that time and be happy

4. If we're looking at the past year, there were way less people dating because of COVID. The number of couples went down by half

5. I need to find a good guy

6. Am I the only one who likes it...? I like seeing the face of the person I love so much

7. Masturbation is way better than doing it with someone who's bad at it + you feel less dependent, you don't need to worry about getting pregnant after sex, etc. 

8. I'm too scared of hidden cameras.. Secure farewells are also another issue (T/N: secure farewell = farewell without stalking and threatening between lovers)

9. I feel like it would only be a loss on my side so I don't do it

10. It doesn't satisfy me one bit... It's way better to just do it by myself

11. It's possible with the current situation too

12. I like sex though... and it's even better as you get older... but the ambience is a bit awkward

13. I really like it. I wouldn't mind doing it every day either

14. I don't do it. Being alone is just the best

15. Why is there such a big gap between men and women?

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