Tuesday, September 7, 2021


1650-1964: Baby Boombers
28.9% of the population
The core of analog
Tendencies: postwar generation, ideological

1965-1979: Gen X
24.5% of the population
Digital immigrants
Tendencies: materialistic, competitive society

1980-1994: Millenials (Gen Y)
21% of the population
Digital nomads
Tendencies: globalization, experimentalism

1995-present: Gen Z
15.9% of the population
Digital natives
Tendencies: realism, places high importance on ethics

Everyone born after 1995 (including 1995)
They are acknowledged as the members of Gen Z, the newest generation

original post: here

1. Wow I'm a Gen Z!!!

2. Oh? So I became a Gen Z?

3. Hehehe I'm also a Gen Z

4. Must be nice to be born on 1995ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm a millenial... But do Gen Z's really place a high importance on ethics?

5. '95-liner is nayana

6. I'm a 94-liner and my dongsaeng is a 95-liner and we don't have much of a difference

7. I'm a Gen Y...

8. I'm Gen Z

9. I'm Gen Yㅎ..

10. 95-liners are the biggest winners here~~~~ yay~~

11. Looks like I can't use the Z-flip anymore

12. Include me too~~ I'm a 94-liner

13. Y?? I'm Gen Y???

14. I wanna be a Gen Z too~~~~~~

15. Ah... I'm a Gen Y maknae...

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