They had an offline concert for K-pop in Soon Cheon and as soon as NCT's stage started, the NCTzens just barged to the front and no one who was seated was able to watch the showㅋㅋㅋ They were all shouting and poking out their heads in people's cameras... because of the f*cking NCTzens, K-pop was ruined again. Last time too, they made a mess by standing on top of cars.. looks like they can't get in their right minds... F*cking NCTzens are living up to their nickname
original post: here
1. [+434, -6]
I hope that they don't get invited to events anymore... If you look at the people who performed before them like Hot Issue, BTOB, OMG, Brave Girls, TXT, AB6IX, etc, people were all watching them just fineㅋㅋㅋㅋ the singers must be embarrassed too because of their fans. They knew that they couldn't shout and had to stay in their seats but since they are their fans, it's not like they can see anything...
2. [+360, -5]
F*ck, I'm embarrassed that they are from the same fandom as me
3. [+358, -2]
Other idols' fandoms

4. [+248, -1]
They are famous for this. Even back then, it's not like barged in because nobody was blocking them. They were blocked but they still barged in

5. [+170, 0]
When BTOB started, they shouted "Don't shout~~ Clap!!" so they kept the rules f*cking well but as soon as they came in, it was ruined... The picture was during BTOB's stage

6. [+166, -1]

K-pop concert held in Suncheon, Jeollanam-do

In the previous performances, the fans kept order well (pay attention to the audience)

When the last artist in line appeared, things got messy

This is what actually looked like onsite (everyone was originally sitting)

"NCTizens who are at Suncheon concert, this was supposed to be the seating arrangement, but they watched the show like that. What's the point of ticketing if you're gonna act like that?"

진짜 부끄럽지도 않냐
— 해솔 (@fullsound_) October 30, 2021
"Aren't you guys embarrassed?"
— 토마토 (@Nan_Dae_22) October 30, 2021
"People don't call us "f*cking NCTizens" for nothing.
You guys were a mess during Suncheon concert
I would've started hating fangirls too if I were there NCTizens f*ck"
original post: here
1. I knew this would be about NCTizens even before clicking the titleㅋㅋ
They're the only fandom who gets their singers sworn at because of themselves
2. I thought "Is that NCTizen again" before clicking the title, as expected... I hope that they don't ruin the image of idol fans, let's ban NCTizens from entering offline concerts and events in the future
3. As an NCT fan, even I wonder why the fans act like that. I think even hitting them is a cheap punishment
4. This fandom again
5. It's because of fandoms like them that they'll ban offline events again
6. Can we exclude NCT from offline collaboration concerts?
7. SM groupies for you
8. ㅋ They clearly have seats for a reason, why can't they just stay seated?ㅋㅋ Wow these crazy b*tches are not in their right minds. They're amazing
9. As expected from that fandom
10. They're all one and the sameㅠ

2018 article "NCT127 "Fans who struggle finding order"

2016 article "NCT127 fans "Why is order important?""

이게 모야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
— 켕 (@LVLZ_K_) October 31, 2020
"What is thisㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
진짜 부끄럽지도 않냐
— 해솔 (@fullsound_) October 30, 2021
"Aren't you guys embarrassed?"
original post: here
1. It's people who act like them that make me understand why others boycott collaboration concerts
2. Ah I don't know anymore, I just hope they stop giving interest to my bias, they're seriously disgusting
3. This fandom is so consistent... I definitely wouldn't want my bias to have a collaboration stage with NCTㅋㅋㅋㅋ Will I get hospitalized if I go to my bias' concert? A fandom that is so disordered will surely not care about my bias either, their fandom size is big, but being in a big fandom myself, this kind of behavior is unheard of
4. ㅋㅋㅋ There's this one guy in NCT who is so my type so I joined the fandom last year, but seeing how the fans behave, I left the fandom not long after...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ You can tell the type of fans they have by just watching Youtube videos of their fansigns and fanmeetings...^^Fans who get tired of this fandom will all leave... And just seeing this post is making me tired all over again...
5. At this rate, I bet even the members hate their fans
6. I bet that other singers who've been in concerts with them all wish to not participate in a collab concert with them again. What will they do if an accident happen because of them?
7. I was thinking "No way it's them" and as expected it's them
8. Ugh I would hate to be associated with a fandom like them...
9. The fandom being big is freaking bullsh*tㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ There's also Bangtan and Seventeen and you never see their fans acting like NCT fans in collaboration concerts
10. They've been like this even before their fandom got bigㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I still remember them pushing people around when their singer was giving an interview, and now they still act like r*tards. Seriously they're as disgusting as fansites and sasaengs. Kids like them never change