original post: here
1. Holybang's meaning behind the dance is so good..
2. Hook and Holybang
3. Coca did so well
4. You can straight up see that the chorus that is the most memorable is Lachica's
5. I watched all of them. Hook made it like you can only see the singer, while Prowdmon made it look like you can only see the dancers... But usually I don't really see dancers on Jessi's stages so I'm curious to see how it'll turn out ㅋㅋ
And you can tell that Lachica is good at coming up with the points part of the choreography, and Coca'n Butter felt like a literal stage performance, how is Jetsun so good?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Holybang also really suited the song, meanwhile I don't think YGX suits Jessi's songs
6. Holybang and Lachica
7. Holybang was the best
8. Holybang suits Jessi the most and they're good choreographers too. I didn't even realize the time passed when watching the stageㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I usually like YGX, but I don't think their choreography suits Jessi, it was a bit boring. YGX made a stage for idols rather than for Jessi... I'm voting for Holybang
9. Hook and Coca!!
10. Holybang, Coca and Lachica!!
11. I want to see Jessi's stage with Hook's conceptㅠㅠ
It feels like grabbing the hair of the king sitting on his throne and it's also sexyㅠㅠㅠㅠ All of the stages were so goodㅠㅠ There's not a crew that I don't likeㅠㅠㅠㅠ
12. I watched Holybang so many times ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
13. I like the cleanness of YGX
14. Hook and Coca
15. Prodwoman made an impact... Coca and Hook were good too