Thursday, November 18, 2021


Park Myungsoo (PMS): You guys are promoting with Scientist... how is it? How's the reaction? Please reply one by one
Tzuyu: The reaction... our reaction?
PMS: No, not your reaction. The reaction to your song
Tzuyu: The reaction to our song... oh... this time...
PMS: Are you guys ok with Scientist? Is it going up right now?
Tzuyu: Yes? Sorry?
PMS: I'm asking if the song is going up right now
Tzuyu: Uh it's a lot..
PMS: I'm asking if it's going up the charts right now? Should I look it up?
Tzuyu, Dahyun: ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
PMS: Should I look at the fruit chart? (T/N: fruit = Melon) May I look at it?
Tzuyu, Dahyun: ...
PMS: May I?
Dahyun: Yes, well
PMS: Oh it's very... very... very high
Dahyun: Oh really?
PMS: Oh good, as expected, it's living up to your name value

He wasn't asking them about their ranking without reason
He asked about the reaction but they couldn't answer properly so he ended up looking up their ranking

original post: here

1. Tzuyu seems so taken aback ㅠㅠㅠ the way they dealt with this was a shame but I don't think that either PMS nor Twice was in the wrong... ㅎ

2. There was nothing wrong with PMS' question. Because the foreign member was stuttering as PMS kept on asking the same question, he mentioned the charts so they got embarrassed. PMS for sure thought that their rank would be good

3. The fans who made a big deal out of this were in the wrong... PMS and Twice did nothing wrong. Blowing this up was wrong

4. If their results are falling down slowly, it's nothing to be ashamed of so why are the fans making such a big deal out of this? They can just look past this and let it go...

5. Why was Dahyun not doing anything when Tzuyu couldn't understand the question?

6. Wow... they seriously have no sense. How long have they been promoting already?

7. Twice are bad at coping with uncertain situations. It's because they were taken aback that this thing blew up so big

8. When they ask about the reaction of the song, all they want is for the artist to talk about the song + promote itㅋㅋㅋㅋ it's my first time seeing such question become an issue

9. There's a reason why the members can't promote individually. They've been promoting for how many years already? If they answered properly, this wouldn't have become such a big deal

10. What wrong did Twice do?

11. But asking about the reaction to a new song is such a common question...

12. No but why are they so bad at talking ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ f*cking frustrating

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