Fans were filming and taking pictures at the school gate when Verivery Kangmin entered the test center to take the 2022 college scholastic ability test (SAT) to be held at Jamsin High School in Songpa-gu, Seoul on the morning of the 18th.
original post: here
2. We need to get rid of the fansite master culture
3. I wonder if this fans know that they are being guilty? I pity the fans who are aware that they are being a nuisance but who still decide to do this
4. Wow this must suck both for the test takers and him..
5. Ah seeing the comments, seems like a lot of fansite masters went there. Anyways, what's important isn't if they were actually fansite masters or not. Just why would they do that?
6. So f*cked up
7. A f*cking nuisance. But I bet that they don't know that they are being a nuisance
8. It's not like they were following him into the classrooms and are just filming him outside. So that's considered a nuisance too??
> Do you know how sensitive test takers are on the exam day?.... Just going into the facility quietly makes them nervous already. Having all these kids barging into the entrance will be f*cking stressful no?
9. Kangmin-ah, you must've been nervous, aigoo ㅜㅜ
10. No but how do these kids know where the exam will be taken???

original post: here
1. I'm crying ㅠㅠ
2. Aigoo, babies, you worked hard. All of you, rest as much as you suffered!
3. Aigo, even at the hospital ㅠㅠ I hope that all test takers get good results!!
4. Everyone, you worked hard ㅠㅜ
5. The kids look so happy being so cheerful ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
6. Babies, you worked hard
7. It somehow makes me tear upㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ it reminds me of the old days
8. Ah I'm jealous of these kids~~ I hope that they spend the rest of their high school days happily~~~
9. I think I'm gonna cry ㅠㅠ you worked hard
10. I hope that you all get into the university you wanted... 🥰🥰