Wednesday, December 1, 2021


"I seriously liked Korean history" 
"When I look at books and textbooks" 

"I like that the order is written by year" 

"But I wonder why they have to write it ordered by events?"

"So this really confuses me. It makes me wonder what came first?"

"That's why I bought a notebook and I re-arrange them based on years"

"I'll write down the contents of the textbook in order again"

"I remember better when I look at it that way"

original post: here

1. You guys are doing excessive hate

2. So Jisoo-ssi claims that she likes Korean contemporary history?
Then if she really knows history, I'm feeling a bit betrayed that she still chooses to play in Snowdrop. 
Or maybe she doesn't know anything about Korean history and she's just lying here because she's appearing on that drama

3. I'm even more speechless if she clearly knows history and still chose to appear on the drama, but her agency alone is weird enough already. YG produced both Joseon Exorcist and Mr. Queen

4. Then why...? So you do know Korean history, you just don't have principles

5. Image sure is important, she just looks like a brainless fool now

6. There's nothing to gain for her playing in this drama, why is she forcing this on us...
7. She wants to appear smart, but she's empty headed

8. So you like Korean history but you agreed to the content of your drama..? 

9. Look at those celebrity-crazy people shielding her

10. The only people calling this "excessive hate" are those people crazy about celebrities who know nothing else but them 


The 6.10 Democratic Uprising, which led to the June 29 Declaration, which achieved a direct presidential system and complete democratization.

At that time, the death of patriotic martyr Lee Hanyeol due to tear gas attack was a symbol of the 6.10 democratic uprising.

This photo was taken shortly after the late Lee Hanyeol student received the tear gas attack on June 9, 1987, while participating in the demonstration.

It was featured on the front page of the New York Times and was selected as one of the 100 best news photos of the 20th century by the Associated Press, and it became a symbol of the 6.10 Democratic Uprising.

"Save Hanyeol!"

This shocking incident became the spark of the uprising on June 10, and Save Hanyeol was the slogan of the democratization movement's participants, so you can see how important this event is in Korean modern history...

Year 1987, Seoul. 
The period where tear gas exploded like firecrackers. 
A bloody man jumps into a women's university dormitory."

Tear gas exploding like firecrackers??? You cannot trivially insert this kind of sentence when making a drama that just so happens to be set in that period. 

Putting such a phrase in the first line of the introduction of the drama is highly likely to be intentional to demean the democratization movement.

* Unfortunately, Lee Hanyeol was taken to the hospital immediately after being shot, but fell unconscious, and died on July 5, 1987, without observing the 6.29 Declaration.

original post: 

1. They're using the word firecrackers to imply something positive, like a festival. They're completely missing the point 

2. They're implying firecrackers in a positive way?.... Crazy... There's just no way to view this drama in a good light. 

3. There are countless people who got hurt because of the teargas attack, yet they're comparing it to firecrackersㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. They're trying to romanticize tear gas

5. Firecrackers???????????????

6. Are they psychopaths? Firecrackers???

7. Think about all the youths who died during that period. 
You can't be in your right mind for comparing teargas with firecrackers...This should be a paradox f*ck 

8. Do they not know what firecrackers mean f*ckㅋㅋ

9. The way they're using the word "firecrackers" is so weird. It does look like they're mocking it 

10. I don't care if they want to compare tear gas with firecrackers, but this drama as a whole is just oba

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